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I sat at the table waiting for my food. It was major tension between me and August. I blushed every time I looked at him. Cause he was already staring at me. It was lowkey pissing me off. The attention was on us and I wasn't feeling that. Nigga what are looking at? I didn't tell no body. What's your problem?

"Nigga may I help you?!" I said finally. Chris choked on his Sprite laughing a bit. August glared at Chris them went back to me.

"Ignore him. He have tantrum." Maria says bringing in the food.

"Here lemme help you." I said getting up she had a bunch of plates that she was balancing. I grabbed two of them and Trey came behind me grabbing two more

"I like you. You good influence." She said to me. She was referring to Trey I believe. I smiled at her as we set the plates. It was chicken, pasta and veggies. Trey served himself and Chris, Maria served Ty and Daniel. Even tho he wasn't at the table.. And I served me and August. He took Trey's plate switching it with his.

"Childish ass." I said sitting down. He scoffed at me. People stated digging in to the food. "Y'all don't say grace?"

"We can..." Chris hesitated. Everyone bowed their head but August. I don't care. You not disrespecting me. You disrespecting God. Trey prayed over the food and we began digging in.

"Do y'all always do that?" I asked Trey.


"Make her carry the plates. That's allot for one person to carry."

"It's her job right?" August answered instead.

"Her job is to cook for you." I snapped. "It wouldn't kill you to help set the table."

"That's a woman's job. We men pay the bills. We take care of everything. We work and provide and the women cater to us."

"You are truly a sexist bastard!"

He smirked wickedly. "I'm sorry. But my dad never walked out in me." My nostrils flared. How dare he? Was this some kind of game? Did he find joy in infuriating me?

"Yo Aug chill." Michael said

"Nah she just here to leach off of us like everyone else who just pops up in our lives."

"You don't know anything about me..." I growled through gritted teeth. I was trying to remain calm. I could help tears beginning to well up in my eyes. I cry when I'm angry.

"I know enough." He smirked. "I know that your mother was a homewrecker... I know that she trapped my dad... With you. I know that when she found out she couldn't get my dad to stay she lost her mind." His words taunted me. He leaned back smiling.

"Aug shut up man. She already choked the sht out you earlier." Chris joked trying to lighten the mood. It didn't work. My eyes stayed fixed on August waiting for him to utter his blasphemous words. He spoke pure befoolery.

"Nah it needs to be said. You know what else..." By now he was cheesing from ear to ear. "She was weak. She fell into depression... She killed her self. Over a man." By now i was shaking with anger. "You wanna know why? Cause she was a weak bitch." Before I knew what I had done my plate was being flung across the table. The food hit his face leaving it a mess while the plate bounced off his chest crashing on the floor. I got up from the table.

"I'm not hungry anymore." I attempted to walk off. Trey snatched my arm giving me a stern look.

"You're going to eat Daya." He said nicknaming me. "Go in there and ask Maria for another plate."

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