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"Nigga do you know how long it took to curl this hair?!" Nick said. She was some yards away from the water.

"Bitch shut up and get in the water." I yelled. I was calf deep in the ocean goodness, letting the salty air knock against my face. I turned slightly and seen Trey and Chris behind her putting fingers to they lips, telling me to be quiet. I smiled at them. "Come on Nika. The water is fine." She shook her head at me. But before she object the boys picked her up heading straight for the water.

"No!!!" She yelled. But it was too late. They had tossed her in the ocean. I cackled leaning down so I was resting on my knees. Then I was lifted up.

"No!! I'm already in!" I looked down to see Ty. "Nigga you as small as me! Put me down!!" But he didn't listen as he tossed me in as well. I held my breath as the salty water engulfed me. I hates niggas.

"That's what you get bitch." Onika snapped.

"Hoe shut up. We in the water now we might as well enjoy it." She huffed at me. Causing me to laugh.


It was getting late and everyone was going out to eat but I didn't want to. I wanted to walk the beach at night time. By myself. Or with company. Whatever. I wasn't feeling it. That was killing me honestly. It reminded me of Cali. The wind, the salty air, the ocean.... I missed LA. I missed my friends.. I missed my house. I missed my school. I missed everything. But most importantly... I missed my grandmother. It's so strange not having her in my life. Going through life without her is different. And I don't like it. This is going to be my first Thanksgiving without her. I don't know how I'm going to cope. So let's see how much a smile can hide...

"Z. Come on. Everyone's downstairs waiting." Ty said as he exited my bathroom. Chris clogged up the one in their room. Nasty ass.

"I'm not going." I spoke with a monotone voice.

"Why not? What's wrong?"

"I'm just not feeling it. I'm going down to the beach." I grabbed the things i would need, shoving them in a bag. It was quiet for a while. He wasn't gonna talk me out of it, if that's what he's thinking. 

"Hold up. I'm coming with you." Then he was out the door. I finished getting ready before meeting Ty downstairs.


Nika was sitting on my lap, cuddling into my chest. We were in the bus. We actually stole/ borrowed a school bus for this trip. Long story. Don't ask. Like seriously don't ask. Right now we waiting on Daya and Ty. But they was taking too long. Honestly. Suddenly there was a knock at the door. Since Beez was driving, he opened it. The door swung open revealing Ty.

"Finally!" I breathed out. "Where's Z?"

"We not going." I scrunched up my face.

"Nigga we could've been left!" Kev somewhat raved, but we ignored him.

"Why not?"

"She trippin."

"What's wrong?" The harmony of my, Aug, and Chris's voices rang through the bus. We be worrying and shit.

"Nothing, she just trippin. She gone walk the beach. So Ima walk with her." I need to see what's wrong with my young life. Like ASAP.

"I'm coming with y'all." I said getting up. "I'll catch you later ma."  I whispered lifting Nicki up so I could go. She nodded in understanding.

"Yea me to. I'll meet up with y'all later." Chris said.

"You just gone leave me?" Kae said. I rolled my eyes. I never liked her gold digging ass. He scrunched his face up making a stank look that matched mine and August's.

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