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I snatched my phone off of the dresser as it rang for the hundredth time tonight. It read C Sizzle❤.

"What?!" I yelled as I answered not bothering to check my tone.

"Zendaya Monroe Harris I swear fo' God!! Where the hell are you?!" I sighed heavily.

"Chill Chris. I'm good. I just went for a walk."

"For three hours?! Where are you?!"

"I went to a friend's house.. I'm on my way home."

"Z do you realize you fucked up that man's dinner?! Everyone having a good ole time and you go and just fuck allll that shit up.. You better not be where I think you at. Z, we outside. If I'm right and you at this nigga house.... I swear."

"Chris Ima beat yo ass. Why are y'all here? I was finna leave right now."

"Open... the fucking... door." I hung up the phone and rolled my eyes. I huffed as I got up off the couch walking in into the kitchen. Manny was shoving his face with turkey breast.

"I gotta go. My ride is here."

"Here. Lemme walk you out." He said through a full mouth. I chuckled.

"Nah you straight."

"Girl shut up and walk." I mugged him as I made my way to the door. When I opened the door, my eyes came in contact with a smiling August but his whole demeanor changed when he looked behind me. His nostrils flared as Manny draped his arm over my shoulder.

"Hey Augie..." I chuckled nervously.

"You another one of them niggas?" Aug's eyes never left Manny. He curled his lip up at him. Snarling a bit. He stayed mute. "Nigga you can't speak or some shit?"

"Let's go August." I walked off the step and was pulled back by Manny.

"You ain't gone say bye?" I rolled my eyes.

"Bye Manny."

"Bye babygirl." I felt his lips on mine and I freaked out. I shoved him hard causing him to look at me crazy. It didn't last long as August attempted to rearrange his face. He bucked forward like a bull. Charging him. He socked the hell out of him.

"August calm down! Stop it!" To my surprise he listened. He dropped his hands to his sides, but they stayed clenched. I attempted to grab his hand but he jerked away from me. He turned to look at me with disgust.

"Fuck you." He spat before pushing past me and making his way to the car. Wait did he think.... Awe shit.


I get out of the shower and lotion up. Everyone is mad at me right now but honestly... I don't give a damn. I need to talk to my baby. Asap. I slide on my sports bra and some spandex. I walk down the hall quietly given the fact it's three in the morning. August is staying in my old room at the farthest end of the hall. I knock on the door lightly but no answer. Maybe he's sleep. I turned the knob and walked in, closing the door behind me. He was laying on his back with one hand behind his head and the other lay flat on his stomach. He was wide awake staring at the ceiling. 

"August..." I whispered. He didn't respond. "August.... Say something...."

"Somethin'." He said not bothering to look my way.

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