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Is just a filler. Not much but i thought yall should have something for Christmas.

Merry Christmas loves. Hope you enjoy it and spend time with your family. See ya soon. Enjoy


"Trey help me get these gifts in the truck." The boys were still getting ready like Joe just wasn't outside or something. I bought all kinds of stuff for him and the family. Plus we were gonna open our gifts there. I made sure everyone had at least three gifts to open.

I made sure everyone had actual Christmas outfits too. Joe said we didn't have to dress up but knowing Marie, they're just getting back from church dressed in their finest. We're definitely dressing up. I wore a red velvet skater skirt dress, some red bottoms, and did a Christmasy bun. August is wearing a royal blue suit. Trey has on a black tux with a bow. Chris wore an all white tux. No tie. Ty has the same as Trey but no tie. Nicki had a strapless black and gold bodycon.

"I'm a little busy!" He called from the bathroom. I huffed before walking in to this nigga checking himself out. I latched on to his ear and dragged him out. "Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow." I stopped in front of the huge stack of presents and pointed at them.

"Pick em up." I stated squeezing his ear harder.

"Ight! Damn! Let go!" I squeezed again before I let go. He mugged and flinched at me. I laughed as he started grabbing stuff. I went up there stairs going into Chris's room.

"Let's go nigga!"

"Ight man I'm coming." He grabbed a few boxes that were in his room that were wrapped terribly. He pushed past me, laughing as I stumbled in my heels. I mugged him before he jogged down the stairs. Ty was already down the stairs getting stuff. So it was on to August. We haven't spoke much since the plane. He's been avoiding me lowkey. I knocked on what used to be my room and waited. The door swung open revealing a rather dapper August.

"You look nice." I smiled.

"Thank you baybeh." He said before he leaned forward capturing my lips. He mumbled a semi incoherent "Merry Christmas" against my lips, before he jogged down the stairs.

"I seen that shit hoe." Nicki said. I whipped my head around to see her. I didn't even know she was there. I shrugged smiling slightly. She just laughed as we linked arms, walking down the stairs. We got in the car once all the presents were loaded. There were so many it was crazy. August said he had to make a stop so he'd take uber there. I waved to him as we drove off.


"Day day!!" Thomas and Angelica yelled after I entered the kitchen. Those were two of Joe's kids. 9 and 10. I was engulfed in hugs as they suffocated me.

"Ight, ight. Let her go." I looked up to see my chocolate skinned partner in crime. Trevor. Oh how I missed him. Their hold on me loosened as they let go. I walked up to him and no words were spoken. He just pulled me into a hug. The best hug I've had in a while. "We need to talk." He whispered. I knew he was upset. I left without saying goodbye. It just made it easier to walk away from everything. I nodded as I pulled away.

"We'll be back." I stated as we walked out to the backyard. I sat down as he closed the door behind us.

"You look.... Different." He stated after a while of silence.

"Is that good or bad?" He was beginning to make me feel self conscious.

"It's good. You're beautiful. I'm just used to seeing you in sneakers and sweats. You disappear for almost six months and you pop up out of nowhere and you've changed." I scrunched up my face at him. Fuck he mean change? Based off of what came out his mouth next he must've been reading my mind. "I talked to Manny. You fucking with Goonies and shit now. Wanna be thug niggas." I rolled my eyes. Here's this shit. He was about to find out just how much I've changed.

"First of fucking all. Don't disrespect. That's my family you talking about. They aren't Goonies. They some niggas that don't play when it comes to their sister and fuck shit up when they're disrespected. Manny was talking out the ass. The fact that you sit here and make assumptions about a situation you had nothing to do with is stupid. You didn't even wait to hear my side. You mad cause I left without saying shit to you. I made it easier for both of us. And you assuming I've changed is bs. And you know what I ain't gone lie. I did change. I got tougher. I got stronger. Thanks to them "goonies". That's my family. Point blank period. "

"That's not yo family Zendaya. You've known them for half a year and you already turning ya back on the niggas who been in ya corner since the beginning. Cause you know I'm a A1 day 1."

"Trevor. I swear I fucking love you. But I'm not about to let you ruin my Christmas. Fuck that..." And with that I walked back inside.


"Day day! I missed you!" Robyn yelled. She was the oldest and adopted. Like August. But she was from Barbados.

"I missed you too." I said as she hugged me.

"Hey... The one with the cute twist out.... What's his name?" Aug smirked hearing us but carried on his fabricated conversation with Trevor.

"Off fucking limits...." I didn't mean to come off rude. But hell no..

"She's like that cause they're her brothers." Nika said causing Robyn to unscrunch her face. She grabbed my hand giving it a squeeze.

"Relax. He only want yo ass." She whispered to calm me down. August was mine. Fuck what someone else got to say. Dinner was almost done and everyone had already opened presents. There was wrapping paper everywhere but everyone was happy. Even Trevor was being chill. Actually getting to know the boys. Who were oblivious to our previous conversation.

"Dinner's ready!" All the boys hopped up so quickly it wasn't even funny.


Everyone was sitting down grubbing. Laughs were being passed around like we've done this for years. It made me smile. August rose up from his seat and cleared his throat, getting everyone's attention. What is this boy up to?

"I have an announcement to make." I was so confused and praying that this don't go left. "Six months ago, Zendaya entered my brothers and I's lives. We didn't want her. Heck. I resented her. But over time. She brought us together. She bonded a broken family together and made us stronger. Together. We can depend on her cause she's everything we've never had but always needed. She deserves the world and all of us are still trying to figure out how to give that to her. But we can do it one step at a time. Step 1. A gift from us four... To you." He grabbed a small/medium box from under the table and had Trevor hand it to me.

I knew I was strawberry red as i picked at the black and silver ribbon that closed the black box. Once I opened it i gasped say hard I should've got carbon dioxide poisoning.

"Hold it up girl. What is it?" Nick asked. I looped my finger through the hole and held up my brand new range rover keys.

"Whoo hoo!" They yelled. Everyone clapped. This was too much.

"Thank you for being in our lives and Merry Christmas baby sis." Chris said holding up his glass of sparkling cider. Everyone followed suit.

"Cheers!" They yelled. I can't do this. I got up and I walked out.


As I walked down the street i regretted not wearing a jacket. I told them I just needed to clear my head. And not to follow me. I went for a walk not really knowing where I was headed. But the more I walked the more determined my strides became to get to my destination.

I have no idea how I ended up on Jerome's front porch knocking on the door, but there's no turning back now. The door opened revealing a surprised Manny.

"We need to talk. Now."

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