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We stood in the middle of one of Nola's many deserts. I watched Avery's body, and  every article of clothing that had blood on it, burn. I had blood all over my face and all my clothes were burning. So I'm here standing in a desert in a sports bra and boxers wrapped in a blanket. This can't be my life.

I am a murderer.

It's so hard to process everything. That the person you spent the last 5 months with was a snake. Whether their intentions changed later or not... You were just a decoy. A cover. Nothing more than part of the mission. It's hard to process that you now will always be and forever be a criminal. You took a life. It doesn't even matter that you didn't want to. Cause you did. It doesn't matter if you were dragged into it. When I die, God is going to say... You killed a man.

I killed someone who didn't deserve to die. No matter what you do wrong, no one deserves an untimely death. I wiped away the single tear that was sliding down my face...


"SHUT UP!" I barked, cutting Trey off. I looked next to me and seen him purse his lips together. I was so angry. Angry at my self. Angry at them. Angry with Avery. Why did you have to try and kill August? Why did you have to try and steal from us? You would have been alive right now. You were too young. When the evidence was gone they poured bleach on everything. And then filled the hole up with sand. Daniel had already been notified by Trey. And everything was being covered. Smoothed over. I turned around heading towards August's car. I stood by the door waiting for him to unlock it. I felt August wrap his arms around my shoulders from behind.. I knew it was him cause of the tattoos.


"DON'T TOUCH ME!" He instantly dropped his arms. But then I'm guessing he got mad because he yanked me around by my waist, making me face him.

"So what?! You hate me now?! HUH?! IS THAT IT?! His voice was about to come down a few notches. Ba' leeh' dat.

"Who the fuck you think you getting buck with!?! See y'all New Orleans niggas got a bad ass habit of having me fucked up. I ain't the one. I ain't ever gon' be the one. Mind yo neck when you talk to me. Ya dig?! Now look here, woahdey. I don't know how often you do this, but I ain't used to this. Ight? If killing gives you piece of mind and makes your sorry ass feel better, than that's on you playa. But I have no sympathy for a nigga who can drags his family into shit that they don't want anything to do with. You dragged me into a lifestyle that I protested against. I hate black on black crime. We in the south! The police are already cutting us off at the root without help from insufficient ass niggas like you who go around all trigger happy... You the oldest out of all of us my G. We looking to you when shit go haywire. But look at the example you set. You got yo three brothers following after you. This bitter angry man boy, who has all this hate in him because he's afraid to let go. Whatever... Just unlock the door." I said turning back around.

I was over it. It's been 5 months. And I'm over it. He unlocked it without saying a word. I got in and faced the window.

"Daya..." I heard Trey say.

"Just take me home."

"Ight we on our way to the house."

"No!" I ended up barking. "Take me back to LA."


I watched Nicki sniffle as she packed up the last box. We were all moving away. There's a 5 bed room 2 story house out in LA with our names on it. It wasn't completely my decision. There were already things in LA that needed to be sorted out. Trey is going to be running the LA division. They calling this shit expansion. After i taped up Nicki's box Kevin grabbed it taking it downstairs. She sat down on the empty bed, tears running down her face.

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