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I grabbed some gym clothes out of my bag. And changed at the park. They had a pretty clean facility. I had on A sports bra, some Nikes to match. I wore my Nike pros and the bape shorts Chris got me for Christmas. I had a Nike hat that I stole from Mijo a while back. I grabbed my training gloves. Yeah I used to box. I swept the gym and helped with cleaning to pay for my fee. Dc's uncle owns the place. I walked out and passed the court to see Nick lacing up some dusty Adidas. He looked up at me and scrunched his face up, smiling.

"You look like you about to go work out but the look on ya face tell me that you finna go take somebody head off." I mugged him before walking to my car. I felt him grab my arm.

"Wassup Nick?"

"You good?" He searched my face for answers. All I know is I'm pissed the hell off.

"I'm fine. I'll see your tomorrow. Or a bit later if you need a ride. Take my number down." He pulled his itty bitty phone out and began typing as i recited my number. Making corrections cause his fingers are too big for the screen.

"I can get home tonight. But at least I got your number."

"Speaking of... Ima get you a phone. That one doesn't fit you. Literally." Judging by his face, he didn't like the idea.

"Nah you ain't gotta do that. I'm good."

"My Grama always said that we are blessed to be a blessing. I gotchu." I hopped in the car waving then sped off quick so he couldn't respond.

I drove and I drove. I was going to tear Jerome up. Well not until I got some answers. Like why target Mike? He's never even seen him. Then again he could've been aiming for Trey. But why? You can't handle when someone puts you in check? It has to be deeper. And Manny.... These streets did him in. My grama is turning over in her grave because of him. Well I'm not exactly a saint either. But I'm trying. He's just not the same kid anymore.

I pulled up to the house and got out. For a trap house it was pretty empty. I walked up and knocked on the door. When it opened there stood Manny. I forgot he was suspended.

"Where's Jerome?"

"Daya you need to leave..." He said looking behind him.

"No I need to-"

"Please just stop being hard headed and go... I'm trying to protect you."

"From who?!" He opened up his mouth to speak but was yanked out the way.

"From me..." I looked up to see a deranged Jerome. He looked like he was on the worst narcotics ever. He grabbed me by my neck and pulled me in the house. I started throwing punches. They didn't seem to do anything. This was about to go a lot different than I planned.

He threw me up against the wall. I groaned at the throbbing pain in my back. What the hell is his problem?!

"Why?" I demanded. "Why did you shoot my brother?" He smiled a devious smile that made my skin crawl. I stood up and placed my hands in my pockets. I know how to use this phone without looking. I dialed Aug's number and turned the volume down. We don't need to hear him. He just needs to hear us.

"Oh yeah. That was a mistake. I shot the wrong one. I didn't know which one was August." He was still smiling.

"Why Aug? You don't know him."

"I know a bit more about him than you do. Let's just say we have unfinished business."

"Explain. Now"

"Nah... I got other plans." I scrunched up my face.

"I don't give A damn about your plans. What's your beef with my brother?!"

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