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My phone had been buzzing the entire time i was here. I turned it off after i left the room with Nicki. We didn't get far. I stopped it. After talking all that shit. *inserts embarrassed chuckle here* lol. Nicki didn't mind tho. She said it only made her want me more. Go figure. I went outside for some fresh air. I grabbed a water bottle on my way out. When i opened it the seal was broken and the water was slightly bubbly. I shook my head pouring it out on the sidewalk. Crazy ass people. I pulled my phone out. I turned it on so i could check it. When it powered on it buzzed uncontrollably for a second. I had a bunch of Instagram notifications, 83 missed calls and twenty text messages.

I checked my gram first. Hella posts about the party. I clicked out. I checked my calls and seen a whole bunch from a number of different people. Then a huge ton from Des. Then there was a call i didn't remember making. It was about 20 minutes ago. That's about the time i was in the room with Nicki... Holy shit. No. Fuck. Oh God. And she's not gonna believe me cause she heard it. Fuck man. I went to dial her up... no answer. I went to the messages. I looked for her name. I clicked it when i found it. The contents of the message almost made me drop my phone.

"Ayo taxi!" I yelled.


I threw a hundred to the front seat of the taxi hopping out. "Keep the change!" I yelled running. I reached the door and pulled out the key barging in the house.

"DESTINY?! WHERE ARE YOU?! BABY PLEASE?!" I went upstairs. I barged in her room looking around. "Destiny where are you..." I said to myself.

"Go away!" I heard her screech. I turned around to see the bathroom door. I rushed to it jiggling the knob. It was locked.

"Des. Destiny. Baby... Open the door."

"No get away from me!" She yelled. "It's over Trey! It's all over!" I heard the sound of pills shaking.

"Destiny Angelica Monroe if you take those pills I swear to God!" I said banging on the door. I was banging on the door repeatedly as tears started to form. I was becoming angry. She was on the other side of the door about to die and i can't do anything.

"Why not Trey? You don't care! Let's just make it easy on everyone."

"What about this is easy, Des?!" I'm about to lose you over something I didn't do!" I said banging on the door. I tried running into the door but it was a lot harder than movies made it look.

"Bullshit!" She yelled. "I heard it!"

"You heard me fuck some hoe?! If you say yes you're fucking lying! Don't do this Des please!" I heard her sob.

"Trey why don't you love me anymore?" She whispered. I heard a click.

"Des what is that!?" I yelled. "Is that a gun?! Where the fuck did you get a gun Des?!"

"Answer my fucking question or i swear I'll shoot!!" I took deep breaths to calm down

"Destiny Angelica Monroe future to be Harris, I love you with everything in me. I wouldn't be here if I didn't. I love you so much. If your die right now I am going with you. You can't leave me... I'm trying Des! I'm trying so fucking hard! I love you beyond anything I've ever known. You don't deserve the treatment I give you and i don't deserve a girl like you... Baby I am so sorry. I swear to God. Just don't leave me... Don't give up..." I spoke with my head against the door, tears pouring down. "Please..." I whispered.

"I'm sorry Trey. But it's not enough...."

I hopped up from my position on the floor. "DES NO!!" I kicked the door repeatedly till it caved.

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