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Outfit in mm

Daniel Harris is played by Vin Diesel.


I looked around as I stepped out of the airport. Nobody was there that I thought I knew. I took a seat on a nearby bench. Observing the new atmosphere. I put my headphones on and turned on bed peace by Jhene Aiko. After about twenty minutes I got up and asked someone where the bus stop was. Once I got the right directions I threw down my skateboard and started on my way. Looking around the city it looked kinda old. Old buildings, old people. Just old. Maybe it was just where I was. I can see the bus stop from where I am. I speed up just a tad. I get to the crosswalk and I almost get hit. The car came out of no where and scared the hell outta me. I jumped at the sight and fell off my board. My bags hit the ground as i tripped scuffing up my only nice pair of Jordan's. Or my only pair to be exact. Great. I looked up from my position on the floor seeing a sleek black Ferrari in front of me. My head snaps and I see the bus coming. I hop up from the ground and turn to the guy in the car. I kick his bumper as hard as I coul. "Watch where the fuck you're going!" And then I took off for the bus.

I make it barely in enough time. I get on and pull out some ones.

"Hi I'm new around here and I wanted to know how much is the fare? And do you know how to get to the Harris residence?"

"The fare is 1.50 but Mr. Harris is right over there, miss." He said pointing a little ways down the street.


He chuckled lightly. "He drives the Ferrari you just dented." I felt my face flush red, as he let out a short hearty laugh.

"Uh thanks sir."

"No problem kid. See you around." I waved stepping off the bus. I watched him pull off before I turned in Daniel's direction. I huffed in annoyance as I made my way down the block. I watched him analyze the dent intently. I took this time to observe him. He was bald headed. Light skinned. Very light skinned. He was buff and had squinting eyes and a long face. His nose was a little bigger than average.

"Are you Mr. Harris?" I asked in a very unenthusiastic tone.

"Who wants to know?" He asked not even looking up at me. He had a deep baritone voice. It oozed authority. Not like I was gong to obey. But whatever.

"I do." I tried to match his tone. A did an okay job I think.

"And who exactly are you?" He still hadn't looked at me.

"Zendaya" He finally turned to look at me slightly. He rose to up from his crouching position. He was allot taller than I anticipated and allot more intimidating than I thought.

"Zendaya who?"

"How many Zendayas do you know?" I rolled my eyes.

"Just one. But the last time I checked she doesn't vandalize private property." Of course he was referring to the car.

"How would you know given the fact you walked out so many years ago?" He remained silent. That's what I thought. "And for the record she would if she almost got hit."

"That was an accident. Now come on. Let's go." He said opening his door to get in. "Where's your stuff?"

"I travel light." I held up the duffle bag and my backpack. He nodded.

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