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We get home and everyone is in the house. Like everyone. The entire OHB crew is here. I run through the house dragging Beez with me. We've been laughing and talking all day. We spent thousands of dollars at the mall. For like no reason. Well i didn't. Trey and them did. We found are selves in the basement. It was huge. It had a couch, a TV, a freaking tattoo station, and a make shift studio. There was graffiti everywhere.

"You paint?" I asked Beez.

"Nah not really." He said laughing. He sat on the couch and pulled something out of his pocket. He motioned for me to come to him. I sashayed over to him and he pulled me into his lap. He had a blunt in his hand. "You smoke?"

"Nah not really." I cheesed.

"Here." I watched him spark it up. He took a drag and held it. He blew the skunk like smoke in my face and smiled at me. "Take a hit." I looked at him crazy.

"Nah I'm straight." I crossed my arms over my chest. He laughed at me.

"It's just weed. It's a herb."

"I know what it is." I pouted.

"Then hit it." He urged. I stared at him for a moment, rather blankly. Showing boldness, i grabbed the blunt. I placed it delicately between my lip. I sucked in the disgusting smoke. I held it as i seen him do. Then i blew it out. I scrunched up my face handing it back.

Beez laughed at my expression. "You don't like it?"

"It taste nasty." I pouted. He chuckled.

"Here. I wanna teach you something. This is so when you smoke with other people they don't think you're a total square." He smirked.

"I am not a square!" I laughed.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night." He laughed. "So when you take a hit, after you hold it, let your bottom lip stick out a bit. Push the smoke out and inhale through your nose. Like this." He demonstrated it. And it looked pretty cool. "Then you blow it out." He smiled. "Try it.

I tried it a few times but couldn't exactly get it. I ended up coughing wildly. My throat became sore and scratchy. My eyes watered slightly. "I give up." I pouted giving it back.

"You always pouting." He said smacking his lips. "Fix your face and try again." I rolled my eyes at him taking the blunt back. I tried it. I let my mouth hang. i inhaled in my nose letting the intoxicating substance fill my lungs. Then i blew it out. My eyes grew wide.

"Did I do it right?!" He smiled. "Oh my god. I did it!" I squealed.

"And that, ladies and gentlemen, is a french inhale!" He yelled clapping. I giggled leaning into his chest concealing my face. "Whatchu hiding fa'?" I looked up at him to see him smiling at me. He then proceeded to take a drag from the now reasonably smaller blunt. I took it from him. "Nah babygirl you fucking up the rotation. Its puff. puff. pass." He took another drag before passing it to me. I took a hit and showed off my newly acquired skill.

"How was that?" I was giggling nonstop.

"One might actually take you as a stoner." Before I could respond the basement door swung open. Ty stood in the doorway.

"Why you ain't tell me you had the greens nigga?" Ty said smiling. He sat at the desk looking at us.

"Cause I ain't want yo free loading ass smoking my shit." Beez laughed.

"Come on nigga, They waiting on yo ass. We got school in the AM."

"Ight man." Beez grabbed my new Iphone 6+. He held it out for me to unlock. I just looked at him and blinked. I wasn't aware to what he wanted. I just started laughing and he joined. He grabbed my hand and put my finger on the home button unlocking the phone.

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