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The video for Little more literally stole my heart. I can't even. My eyes was watering and shit lowkey. But it's cool. I was crying thug tears. The song has been on repeat ever since. I couldn't find the video on here. Even though it has nothing to do with the chapter I was gone post it anyway.

Anyway... Filler chapter so it's going to be short. And ignore my previous rant. I was just mad. But it's all good. Team Breezy still the best team in the league. The key to success is the Royalty album. They don't want you listening to dope music. Don't ever play yourself. Bless up. #NoKahlid,WeAreTheBest

Prayers for Chris and Royalty and all my followers. Love y'all! Muah!


We boarded the private jet as they loaded our things in the cargo hold. This was really happening. I've lived in a few places. Virginia, Houston, Atlanta, Nola, and now LA. This should be interesting. I think Chris getting Kae pregnant was probably the only thing that could relieve the tension between all of us. It was hilarious in everyone's opinion but Chris. He thought we were being childish. Yes we did actually bet. I thought she would wait till she was ready to pop and deny it until that time. Cause she be that dumb sometimes. Z said 4-5 months. So she got the paper.

We haven't talked much since the incident with Beez. And that pricks at my heart. If you've followed us this far you know just how close we are. It makes my heart hurt knowing that I've hurt her. I disappointed her. That shit stings. Nobody every pictured getting as attached to Zendaya as we have. She keeps us smiling. Makes sure we all laughing. She makes you forget what you've been stressing about. Shit. She makes stressing worth it. Having her by your side is like no other. She's a ride or die in every aspect of the term. If she says she got you, she got you. Don't question it. Beez didn't deserve her. At all. He was a snake who used her. If she wasn't so broken up about what happened, I'd feel no guilt whatsoever.

"Can I talk to you? In the back?" I asked her after the plane ascended.

"Nah... Anything you need to say you better say it right here. I'm not getting up." She didn't even look up from the magazine. I rolled my eyes at her. I grabbed her arm pulling her up but not too rough.

"Man I need to talk to you." I stated firmly. She don't listen unless you yelling at her. She walked to the back and went into one of the two rooms. She sat on the bed.

"What nigga?"

"You betta take all that base out yo throat when you talking to me. You know I don't play them games."

She sighed. "Trey why am I back here?" She was a lot calmer now. I could tell she didn't wanna talk about what we were about to talk about.

"Zendaya I'm sorry. I am sooo sorry.... Ok? I'm sorry for involving you in our mess. I'm sorry for being you into to danger instead of protecting you from it. I'm sorry for not acting like a good big brother. I'm sorry for letting you down Z. I'm just so sorry."

My emotions got the best of me as tears began slipping down my face one by one. At least they didn't bum rush me. I looked down at Zendaya. All she did was blink. She then got up and walked out. Really? Did I disappoint you that much? I felt like complete shit now. I plopped down onto the bed and propped my chin up on my fists while my elbows rested on my knees. I cried harder. Yup. I'm a dick. And my favorite person in the world hates me. I looked up at the door and instantly it opened. There stood Zendaya with tissue in her hand. She held it out in front of me as I slowly took it and looked down at my hands.

"You're ugly when you cry." She said breaking the silence. "Your bottom lip quivers and your nose runs a little and then this vein in your neck swells. And then you cry silently. You don't make noise unless you're talking. It's quite awkward." I chuckled wiping my nose.

"Well when you cry, you cry so loud that the whole house hears you. Then it's awkward for everyone. And then you sniffle and choke on your snot."

"That's so gross." She laughed throwing a near by pillow my way. "I forgive you ugly." I smiled from ear to ear, ignoring her rude ass lies. Cause I'm sexy. Fuck what anybody got to say.

I got up and hugged her. Tightly. And she hugged me back. "I love you big head.." I told her.

"I love you too fat face." I let go of her.

"My face ain't e'en fat."

"My head ain't e'en big." She said in my tone. I gave her a look that said stop lying. "Whatever come on." We walked back into the front.

"Nah take that ahh' back in there we need to talk." Aug told her. I chuckled as they argued the whole way back.



"I don't wanna talk to you August!" I said. But it didn't seem to phase him as he pushed me back onto the bed.

"Sit dafuq down." I huffed at him and looked out the window.

"You ain't the boss of me." I mumbled.

"Shut up lil guh'... Ain't no body playing with you." I side eyed him and then looked out the window. "Now listen. I wanted to apologize. I understand I dragged you into something terrible and that was wrong. I'm sorry. I'm sorry for hurting ya boy after you asked me not to. And I'm sorry that I don't be listening to you and ignore your wishes. I know you probably hate me right now... And it's eating me up. Even if you don't forgive me I'm sorry."

He shoved his hands in his pockets. He glared at his shoes waiting for a response. I sighed before I grabbed his arm pulling him down on the bed. He sat on the bed avoiding my eyes.

"August I don't hate you. I'm just upset." I leaned onto his shoulder. He wrapped his arm around my waist.

"Zendaya I am so sorry." His southern accent flared. I could feel his remorse. It oozed out of him. I grabbed his face and made him look at me. Tears rimmed his eyes and that scared me. I kissed him. His hands went to my waist as he turned towards me. I used my foot to close the door gently. He picked me up and put me on his lap. Our tongues danced as I straddled him. The kiss was slow, passionate, enticing, and just loving. He moved down to my neck and left a burning trail of kisses. Then they stopped. His body shook underneath me.

"I-i couldn't control it. I never can. I'm out of control... I'm... I'm crazy.." I wrapped my arms around him tightly as he cried harder. His grip around me tightened.

"Shh... You're not crazy. And we can help you. We're here for you. We're your family... Just stop shutting us out.. We love you August. I love you..." He only cried harder. I rocked him side to side as he slowly started to calm down.

"Lay with me?" He asked. I nodded before getting off of him and laying down. He laid his head on my chest and wrapped his arms around my torso. "Don't leave me..." He whispered.

"I'm not going anywhere." Soon I heard soft snores.

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