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Note that i chose the multi media because of the pained expression on her face that I saw. It seemed like she was masking the hurt she was feeling. She looks scorned. Just to clarify. #foreshadow.

And someone asked me when Fetty wap is going to come in. Be patient. It's gonna happen. Next couple of chapters.

This chapter gone me bout long as shit. I worked really hard on it. So please vote comment and just enjoy it. Thanks a mill. ❤


"Z Wake up." I groaned seeing Beez shaking me. I got up from the uncomfortable bus seat. It was still dark and we needed to hurry up and return the bus. I nodded groggily before grabbing my duffle bag. We got out the bus and everyone walked the few blocks to where everyone parked at. There were at least 25 of us. A bunch of niggas I ain't ever seen before. We got to the cars and everyone got in. I pick pocketed my baby for his keys since I rode here with him. I walked up to it, and got in his car. I waited for him to finish talking to some girl. I'm not trippin cause I trust him. As long as he behaving himself I'm fine. I know I sound hypocritical, but that's just what it is.

I watched him search his pockets franticly. I chuckled and pushed the horn. He smiled before jogging over to the car with his bag.

"When did you get my keys baby?"

"You handed them to me babe." I gave a sly smile. He gave me a side eye while poking out his cheek with his tongue.

"Uh huh..." He was giving me the ultimate you know that I know you lying right... face. I chuckled pulling his phone out of my pocket. "You took my phone too?" I cackled a bit before unlocking it. He started up the car pulling off.

"Babe you got some texts."

"Read em off guh!" He said in a playful manner yet serious. Goals af, tbh.

"You got 1 from Ty. Two from ya mammy. 1 from me... That you ain't open yet." I mentioned with a side eye.. "And one from an unknown."

"What my mama say?"

"She wants to know if you're still going to fly down to Indiana tomorrow... Wait why didn't you tell me you were leaving for Thanksgiving?"

"I didn't know if I was. But we decided I'll spend Christmas here with my dad. He's gone be on a business trip the rest of the week. So tell her yeah."

"Oh ight babe." I texted his mom before looking back at him.

"What did you send me?" A blush crept up on to my cheeks.

"I'd rather not repeat it." I tried not try hint at the naughtiness in my text messages. The corners of his mouth picked up, turning into a sexy crooked smile.

"Gimme the phone." I could hear the humor in his voice.

"No you're driving."

"Tell me what it say." He tucked his lip in his teeth, fangs digging into his juicy lip. I shook my head smiling. "Stop playin..." He said snatching it.

"Noo..." I watched him read it intently. Eyes shifting from the road and the text. I watched his eyebrow raise as he glanced at me with bedroom eyes then back at the road.

"Baby yo bedroom sound proof?"

"Uh... I don't know actually..."

"Oh? Well we testing that shit tonight." He said tossing the phone in my lap. My eyes widened as I realized just exactly what he was talking about.

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