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"And then Trey stupid ass was like - OOHH HE SAID SHE AIN'T HAD NO NIPPLES!!- Then i got sent to the principal's office. And I had on this trench coat so when i walked off i did that flap shit." I died laughing at the story Kevin was telling me. I was in tears. Trey was laughing hard also. I was clutching my stomach and breathing hard.

"Oh my god!! Kevin! I can't!"

"If you think that shit is funny just wait till i tell you about the dearbra." He said. I laughed harder. Tears still coming.

"What the fuck is a dearbra?!" I asked.

"No Kev, stop lying. You know that shit ain't real." Trey said through fits of laughter.

"Nigga yes it is!" Kev said getting in Trey's face. "I showed you the goddamn pictures."

"They was Photoshopped! They had the watermark tag and everything." I threw my head back laughing but i hit the locker.

"Gooooddamn..." Kev said cringing with his fist over his mouth. I only laughed. Causing them to laugh with me. Just the warning bell rang. I watched Kevin get frazzled. "Come on we're gonna be late. Get on my back."

I looked at him crooked then I realized he was serious. "Kev. We'd get there faster if I carried you. I have longer legs and I'm taller."

"No you ain't about to make me look like no bitch. You get on my back!" I laughed shrugging my shoulders. I tossed my backpack to Trey who hasn't stopped laughing. Then I hopped on Kevin's back. "Oh shit." He mumbled to himself. "Yo Z you not that's heavy." I laughed at him. He then took off.

"Woo hoo!" I yelled.

I looked to the side and Trey was righ there running with us.

"GET OUT THE WAY!!" Kevin screeched. His voice was high pitch. I put my hands up but we unexpectedly hit the corner and I almost fell off.

"Aahhh!" I screeched clamping on to his shoulders. 

"Yea you better fucking hang on. I ain't no goddamn roller coaster." I laughed again as he slowed down. we got to a classroom and he tapped my thigh. I hopped off his back then he leaned against the wall. Panting heavily. I gave him a kiss on the cheek and said.

"Thanks love." In my terrible British accent. He nodded, waving me off. Then we all went inside to health. I sat in the back next to Ty, Trey, Red, and Sevyn. Kev took his seat last snatching Red's Gatorade.

"Nigga gimme my shit." Red said. He reached for it but Kev held it up out the way. Like he was just hella tall or some shit.

"Fuck you. I'm tired. I ran with her fat ass on my back."

"Haha. Nigga you offered." I spoke.

"Shut up. You're lying." I cracked up some more. Oh lord. I just might have to take Kev from Trey and make him my best friend.



I walked through the empty hall looking for the janitor's closet. Someone had put a note in my locker this morning. It said to meet them at the third floor janitor's closet. Wing C. The empty part of the school. It was girly hand writing. So I was just being curious. I got to wing C. Then i spotted the janitor's closet. I opened the door and slipped in unseen. I cut on the light and what i seen was enough to make trigga twitch.

My eyes landed on a beautiful Onika. She had on these joggers that hugged her just right. She had on a chainmail crop top with sliver pasties. She had the most seductive look on her face.

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