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Zendaya just so happens to be Bae Af

Zendaya just so happens to be Bae Af

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Trey pov

"Get Z in the car!" I yelled. They was moving hella slow and I don't have the time to play. Blood was surging through my body. Adrenaline pumping so hard i could hear blood pounding in my ears.

"Shut up nigga." Aug said. If yall could have seen the look I gave this nigga. He ain't do shit but laugh either. I gripped the wheel calming myself. "Chill... We gone get this nigga." I nodded as everyone piled in the car. You could feel the tension. We were ready. We bout to catch a body.

Z pov.

Honest to god I'm not really fucking with this. I am but i'm not. I want this nigga to get his. No doubt. But killing niggas ain't my thing. But i know that's the only way to stop this for good. Aug switched to the back seat and I rested my head on him. Kevin was here, Nika was here and all the boys. I sent DC home. I don't know what i want right now. It's just complicated.

"Baybeh... calm down." Aug whispered in my ear. I hadn't even realized i was getting worked up. He gave my hand a squeeze. I shifted my head and gave him a kiss on his jaw line. He then kissed my forehead and I have to admit I felt better. But there is still a task to be done.


We pulled up in front of the house and I seen Manny outside. We hopped out and he eyed us as we unloaded. Everyone had a weapon. I had the bat. Straight hot saucing this bitch. But it was Aug who had that something fatal. If you pickin up what i'm putting down. His eyes grew anxious as he watched us. The more i looked at this house the more heated I got. The light upstairs made me seethe with anger. Maybe i did want this. We walked up to the house in a eery fashion. I stopped dead in my tracks right in front of that boy i used to call brother. His face alone also angered me.

"Where is he?" the tension that arose when i made eye contact was thick. It surrounded you as it proceeded to suffocate us in the fresh air. It swallowed us whole. I could feel his resentment. His regret. He knew his wrong. He understood his mistake. He was sorry. But i promise you sorry don't mean you forgiven. He shifted his eyes from me to the ground.

"He's upstairs." then he got out the way. We walked into the house seeing it was trashed. The more you walked the more you seen the wreckage. He knew we were going to come for him. And he couldn't handle that truth. He was scared.

Nigga you should be.

I'm not gone play with these niggas. It's game time. I made my way up the stairs with feet hot on my trail. The plan was to wreck the house first. He beat us to it. I found the room at the end of the hall with the light on. I banged on the door. He know what time it is.

"It's open." I swung the door open to see him on the bed staring at the wall. I walked in and stood in front of him. Army behind me.

"Are you ready to die?" I spat. He smirked.

"Go for it."

"Ima let my fam eat first." i stepped out the way and the first person to step up was Onika.

"Tie him the fuck up!" Trey came with the rope and strapped him to the bed. He didn't resist. I was having a bad feeling. He was making this way too easy. Once he was fully tied Nika pulled out her blade collection. She grabbed a skinny, sharp knife and crawled over him. I still had that gut feeling.

"Wait!" I looked around in a suspisious manner. I don't know I'm looking for. But I'm gonna find it. "There!" I pointed to the corner. It was a camera. Aug laughed.

"You bitch ass, snitch ass nigga." Then within seconds, whipped out and shot the the camera a few times. "Nika you may proceed." Came the thick southern accent that I loved.

"Wait! Wai-"

"It's too late now mufucka." Said Chris as he shoved a sock in his mouth.

Damn right. It's too fucking late.


No words fam. No words can describe what I'm feeling right about now. Bloody body laying at my feet gasping for air. They fucked him up. and they fucked him up good. I literally just watched. It was refreshing to see someone hurt as much as you have. Everything that you felt on the inside resides in their appearance. Each and every whimper and cry of agony appeased my rage. I held out my hand in august's direction. A pistol was placed in my hand. I grabbed the silencer piece and placed it on the end of the barrel. Seeing the fear in his eyes made me even more anxious. It gave me a price of mind, knowing you felt pain. Knowing That you hurt. Knowing that you bleed. 


And just like that I ended it. 


Hi guys. I know it's been forever but I've kinda lost inspo. For this story.  I have ideas and what nots if you want a sequel. If I get enough votes AND comments I'll do one. But I'm going to wrap this book  up guys. Maybe one more chapter and an epilogue. Maybe more depends on what I think I should do. And what I'm feeling. I'll try and have it finished by Friday night 

Well much love bye guys

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