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"Hellpp!!" The banging got louder but I don't think Jerome heard it. The door bust down. In its way stood the one eyed boy from this morning. His eye widened as he seen what was going on. He whipped out a pistol. Does everybody have a gun but me?

"Back up!" The same cool calm tone from before was gone. Jerome snarled as he slowly pulled out.

"Aaahhh...." It hurt like a bitch and I was bleeding. This nigga done ruptured my cervix. Tears streamed down my face. I felt defiled. I felt dirty. Manny turned the camera off. With the gun still pointed at Jerome the boy made his was over to me. He examined the cuts and bruises with his lip tucked under his teeth.

"Fuck is wrong with you?!" He carefully and tenderly scooped me up. His aim never left Jerome. His movements were slow to avoid slip up. I don't know why I felt so safe in his arms but I did. I clung to his shirt so tight that my knuckles turned white. Everything moved in slow motion. As we ascended the stairs backwards i could tell Jerome was getting antsy. We made it to the door and he had to put the gun away so we he could pull me though. As soon as he did Jerome was taking flight. Everything else happened so fast you didn't have time for a double take. He placed me down gently with just enough time to have his foot connect with Jerome's chest. Sending him flying down the stairs. "Bitch ass nigga." I heard him mumble. He took his shirt off revealing his scrawny tattoo covered torso. He slipped it over me before going back down to get my clothes. He came back with my stuff. He picked me up and took me to my car. He laid me in the back of the car.

"M-my phone..." My voice was scratchy and hoarse. Bruises lined my throat that made it clear that I was choked. He felt around on the floor for my shorts. Once he got them he pulled out my phone and handed it to me. He got in the front and started backing out of the drive way.

"Normally I'd ask if you were okay.... But it seemed like a stupid question. I'm taking you to the hospital. "

"T-take me to t-the school... I need to get my brother...." He didn't argue he just made his way to the school. I was grateful... Anyone else would have said fuck that. "H-how did you f-find me?"

"I live next door to him. I heard your screaming. This isn't a first for him. But how you Jerome? Ain't you new?"

"Nah... I left a-and came b-back. I grew u-up here.." He just nodded. "What's your name again?"

"Willie." I nodded slightly. Then I dialed August's number.

"Hello?! Baybeh can you hear me?!"

"I can h-hear you. Please stop yelling..."

"I'm sorry... Where are you and what's going ?"

"We're getting Trey and Onika then going to the hospital..."

"Can I do the thing this time.... Please... Can I do the thing?" He wanted to kill him. Hell I wanted to kill him..

"We can do it together. You know Trey gone wanna know what's popping. And Chris. And Ty."

"Fuck that. This my job. As yo nigga this is my responsibility."


"Don't you do it... I will hang up. Don't try and sway me Z."

"I'm not. Just know that Trey and them gone want a peice."

"Whatever. Just get them niggas and get to the hospital."

"Ight bye." I hung up and then my phone buzzed.

KevinBabee👅😈😍- I'm on my way to Cali. Don't try and stop me. 😡😒👊

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