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Be on the look out for the Sequal As Crazy As It Gets

And that was the end. They finished off the only known person who could cause anymore problems. It gave everyone a piece of mind to know that it was over. Through the judgement, through the trials, through the sins.... It was all over. It was time to start over. Go back to the normal life as we knew it. As normal as they could actually be. Because we all know how crazy it can get. Over the next three years...

Zendaya went back to school and continued to do her. She became the backbone for her family in more ways then one. She took care of her brothers, became a mother of some sorts. August decided it was better if they weren't a thing. He was convinced that he was bad for her. And despite the fact that she was in no way in agreement with him she respected his wishes. She moved on and Continued a relationship with her savior, Willie. After two years they moved into together as the family began to disperse. While she remained friends with Nick and DC up until present day... Her senior year.

August finished his last year in high school and used the remainder of his drug money to open up a club in the richest parts of Los Angeles. He has had his slew of women but of course never got over Daya. Business is booming and he has become one of the most wealthiest club owners in California. Being so he moved out and got a condo closer to his work.

Trey went on to make it official with Onkia. No matter how long overdue it was. He also finished his last year in high school but unlike August, he went to college. As of now he is a sophomore at UCLA and Onika is a freshman. Trey still runs the drug game on the side but is careful, much more careful than previous years. With Onika as his Queen and him studying to be a lawyer, Ironically,Nothing can stand in his way.

Chris was a slightly different story. After all the drama and near death experiences in their new lives Chris decided that it was time to turn his life around. Chris turned to god and gave him his life. He got into church over the last few years and now he's different. He's better and he's happy. That's all that matters. He ended up having a daughter and she was a little Chris. He named her Royalty. He graduated and decided it would be better for him to stay in a dorm. He was trying to give his daughter the world. But he was trying to do it the right was so he basically started over. By the time royalty was 3, Chris was a freshman in college sharing a dorm with Trey. Because of his decision to start over he was in need of help with Royalty. But sending her to live with her mom wasn't an option. So being the person she was, Zendaya stepped up. She took care of her and made sure family is what Royalty was rooted on. And gave her the female figure she needed. Just like she promised.

And Micheal, aka Ty, he was just the better off Senior in high school. He lives on his own, helps Trey with the "business" and goes to school. He made a point to have Kylie, his nurse, as his girl. He did what he did and that was that. He had his families back, and because he and everyone else lived on their own, that he didn't become a stranger.

Their is more people to the story.... but we all know..... these are the only people we truely care about. Hope you enjoyed the ride. It was fun. Catch you on the flip side.

Love, Mspoetic. Muah!

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