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I stared into my vanity mirror. Impressed with my face.

"You like it?" Nick asked me.

"Duh special." I laughed. She stuck her tongue out at me. It was my birthday party. We combined it with August's. Against my better judgment. August likes hardcore partying. I'm more of a go to Dave and busters type of girl. But that's just me. But it's technically August's party, so i said whatever.

*knock knock*

We both looked at the door. I nodded at her and she got up to get the door. She agreed to being my right hand today. We both missed school today actually. Along with the boys and OHB. We had to get ready for this Friday party everyone has been talking about. Apparently since before I got here.

She opened the door and rolled her eyes. Trey peeked his head in the room, causing me to smile. I turned around and faced him. He walked in with his hands behind his back. I rolled my eyes.

"Treeyy..." I whined. "I told you I didn't want anything." He took a seat on the bed.

"I know, I know. But this is something i have to give you tho. It's for the party."

"Ok what is it?!" I asked getting slightly excited.

"Close your eyes." I huffed closing my eyes. Of course I peaked.

"Trey! You did not buy me a mink!" I exclaimed taking it from his grasp. He just laughed. "Trey i can't take this." I said handing it back.

"No refunds." He smirked.

"Then ex-"

"No exchanges."


"Dayyaa..." He mocked.

"Bitch I'll take it if you don't want it." Nick said snatching it. Trey hopped off the bed and snatched it back. They mugged each other for what seemed like forever.

"Umm..." I coughed. I watched Trey tuck his bottom lip under his teeth. A smirk laced Onika's lips.

"I'll be back." She said letting the words slither off her tongue rhythmically. She slipped out the door. And i looked at Trey. He held it out to me.

"You're the only one who doesn't have one."

"No... "




"I can't believe y'all got me in this hot ass fur coat on this goddamn party bus!" I laughed. Apparently they're are rules to partying with the Harris clan. Dope attire. You have to have a mink. At least 2 chains on. Lol cause I'm different. And you have to be able to make it rain. They actually tried to have a make shift tutoring session on how to make it rain. Went terribly wrong. I kinda tossed like an entire band at Chris's face. We had to use makeup to cover it up.

"You the only one that's hot." Aug laughed. I stuck my tongue out at him. Right now we were driving to a strip club. None of us are old enough to be in a strip club... But we rented out a strip club. Everyone had on minks, chains, rings, margellas, and sunglasses. Nigga it's 9 o'clock. What the fuck are you trying to protect your eyes from? They said the strobe lights. I watched everyone laugh and dance around, pouring drinks and chilling. Did I forget to mention OHB is here?" Well they are. This entire scene is hilarious. I was laying against Beez chest right now. It's been three weeks and we already act like boyfriend and girlfriend. He said I'm precuffed. I was sitting across from Kae. Her and Chris made up i guess. This bitch was putting on some over dramatic ass eyelashes.

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