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Hey. I have a lot of ghost readers and I would greatly appreciate it if you all started voting more often. I work hard on these chapters and only get 5-10 votes each chapter. But I have almost 2k reads. I have lots of comments but not a lot of votes. And to those who do read and vote and comment... The ones I see in my notifications regularly, i see yall and you're amazing. If you can share this with whoever you can that'd be great. Just to get the word out. Thanks loves. Now on to the chapter.


"What did he do?" August asked me.

"He's fuckin that bitch. I had told him that I didn't want my heart broken. I told him that I trusted him. And he goes behind my back." I spat. The tears streaming down leaving a burning trail in their place. He hopped up from his seat angrily. "No August stop!" I grabbed his sleeve. He attempted to snatch it away from me before looking down at me.

"Let me handle this." He was too calm. He was going to kill him. I can see it in his eyes. He made his way towards the stairs of the basement dragging me with him as I clung to his shirt.

"Stop August! No!" He wasn't having any of it. He reached the bottom step. His determination drove mine. "August please! STOP!"

"Why?! Huh?! Why you tryin ta protect that nigga?!"


I honestly didn't know. 

"Why Zendaya?! You love him?!" He shouted. I just looked at him. Did I love Avery? Is that why i'm taking this so hard? "Fuck... You do love him." He ran his hands down his face. He covered his mouth as he grimaced at the realization. He dropped his hand down as he sighed and closed his eyes. 

"No..." The words came out as an ugly croak. I couldn't truely love Avery... not if August was in my life. But I don't think I love Aug... He threw me his gaze with a questioning look. "I don't love him."

"Who do you love then?" He whispered.

"I- I don't know anymore..." He stepped forward bringing our bodies close..

"Do you love me?" He gazed into my eyes.. I was petrified under his intent stare.

"August I don't-"

"Can I make you love me?"

"I don't know August."

"Can I try?" I nodded looking at the floor.

"Don't...make me regret this." I said softly.

"Look at me." He murmured.

I looked up at him and he kissed me softly.


A small moan escaped my lips as I arched my back and reached down to grip Aug's hair. He had me lying down on the floor, on my back with my legs around his shoulders as he gripped my thighs, rolling his tongue slowly against my clit.

"Baby..." I breathed out as he wrapped his lips around my clit and started to suck on it. I rolled my hips upwards, the sensation beginning to be too much for me. He was teasing me, knowing I hated that shit.

"Stay fucking still.." He mumbled against my pussy.

"Fuck.... I can't.." I moaned out, proceeding to arch my back more and roll my hips up again.

He stopped and glared up at me, his eyes lustful and angry at the same time.

"You don't fucking listen."

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