Chapter 4: Meeting Bailey

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Meredith's POV
"Listen up, I'm Dr.Bailey and I am a senior resident. Dr. Webber has assigned me to you first year residents. I don't like it and I never signed up for any of this nonsense so just deal with it. Yang give a tour to Dr. Grey and Michealson give a tour to Dr. Karev. Once you're done meet Dr. Dasin and the rest of the residents to get your new set of interns." Dr Bailey authoritatively said.

"So I guess your Cristina?" I asked to the Asian girl I didn't remember meeting in the resident's lounge.

"Obviously..." Cristina snarkly replied.

"Okay, just making sure" I sighed... I didn't like this Cristina gal but oh well.

Cristina showed me the ORs and the ER and while we were going to the ICU a man approached her.

"Hey Cristina, so did you make a decision about your choice" He said in a serious tone.

"Meet me at Joes and I'll tell you" she said. "Plus why didn't you answer my page when I paged you this morning"

"I was checking on my post op GSW guy" The strawberry blonde guy whispered.

I was very intrigued by this conversation. It seemed like Cristina had some boy problems. After they exchanged some other words, the guy left.

"Boy Drama?" I asked as if I knew what was going on with her. But all I got was a scoff.

"You can tell me, I mean we're gonna have to be semi-friends sooner or later." I said

"You wouldn't understand and you'd think I'm a slut" she answered. Oh please, I was the definition of s-l-u-t once upon a time.

"Try me" I answered

"Well I have two attendings fawning over me but I need to choose between them and I can't choose"

I was shocked! Two attending? over her? But I tried being useful and said "pick whoevers better in bed"

Cristina chuckled. Her seriousness faded away. She seemed relieved.

"I like you, you know?" She said

"Me too" I smiled and I meant it.

As she led me towards the ICU and NICU I passed by Richard's office. I wondered if I could say hi to him because I didn't get the chance earlier today during the announcement he made.

Richard and his wife, Adele basically raised me. They were my neighbors for a long time and they took care of me when my mom was to busy being the world's greatest surgeon. My mom hates me and I hate my mom. I always knew I was an accident child,the result of a one night stand, I was never wanted. My father Thatcher didn't want anything to do with me so yeah. But that experience made me who I am today. I am Meredith Grey, not the child of Ellis Grey but a debut neurosurgeon. That was my goal: being a neurosurgeon.

"Hey Cris, can we stop by Webber's office?" I said

"Uh... Sure" she said skeptically as she led the way. I knocked on the door and I heard a voice say "come in". Me and Cristina entered the room, but I went ahead to Richard's desk as Cristina kept at a distance and admired the pictures in Chief's wall.

"Ahh Meredith, what a pleasant surprise" he got up from his desk and hugged me.

"I just wanted to say hi" I hugged him back

"How are you? And how's your mother?"

"I'm fine, but my mother is traveling the world writing her next book" I lied. How do I tell my mother's ex lover that she has alzheimer's.

"Well, do you like my hospital?" He asked kindly.

"It's very spacious" I said. Just as he was about to ask another question his pager beeped.

"Trauma! Hey... Grey and Yang why don't you tag along" he said in a cheerful voice.

As we left the office Christina asked me who my mom was and why was she writing a book.
I told her who my mom was and she looked surprised.

"You know Meredith Grey, I like you even more." She smiled.

As we entered the ER I noticed the red head man that had approached Cristina earlier talking to Cheif. So I guessed he was a trauma surgeon.


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