Chapter 31: Confusion (part 1)

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Now you finally get an update from Derek's side of things!!


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But when Derek approached his destination, his jaw dropped. And not in a good way. Meredith, his Meredith, had some guy's tongue down her throat. After a few seconds she screamed "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?" And stormed off into an on call room. She obviously didn't see him, but Derek really, extremely was confused. For a quick second, when he intensely studied her face during the kiss, she seemed to enjoy it. He didn't know if he should've gone after her or been mad at her.

Derek contemplated his choices. Punching the clueless, big ego-ed blonde guy who clearly kissed Mer, who was unwillingly forced to. Going to Mer, who obviously needed some comforting. Storming off and being mad at Meredith. Or taking vengeance from Mer, and kissing someone else. Something about the first option and the last option didn't seem right. If his mother even knew that he considered cheating or engaging in a violence act, she would slap him silly. Speaking of mothers, Derek knew what his choice was. Meredith was already having a hard time coping with her mother. Although he had never met her, he knew that she wasn't very warm or welcoming. Not that having her mother was enough, the hospital's rumor mill had Meredith at the center of gossip and rumors. At first it was 'She's getting ahead by sleeping with the boss' but then it extended to 'Why would she sleep with the boss? Having Ellis Grey as her mother wasn't enough for her to get ahead?'. But now some of the rumors concerned him, ' Meredith is already ahead because of her mother... Dr. Shepherd must really be good in bed if she's destroying her medical career like that.' Or his all favorite rumor  'Dr. Shepherd's only hanging around with the Grey resident so he can gain fame and recognition from her mother'. He made is way to the on call Meredith had ran off to minutes before.

"Mer?" He called out into the dark on call room.

No answer.

"Mer?" He now softly whispered.

No answer.

"Meredith, answer me please" He now heard sobs. Derek calmly climbed onto the bed, where his beloved Meredith sat, crying. He wrapped his muscular arms the slim waist of Meredith, holding her while she cried. Why she was crying? He had no clue. But the only thing he could to was comfort her.

"D Der Derek" she stuttered, in between sobs.

"Yeah" he answered, while he ran his hand through her hair.

"I need to tell you something" she sniffled.

"Uh, sure"

"Someone kissed me, but I broke it off" she took a deep breath. "Anyways I just wanted to tell you before you heard rumors"

Derek smiled. She was honest. Even though she technically cheated on him, she was telling the truth. He would've confronted her later on, but now he didn't need to. She was honest. Something Addison never was.

"It's okay, I saw it"

"You...You saw it!"


"Oh my god! You probably think I'm a whore" she started crying again.

"Mer, your the furthest thing from a whore" he said while caressing her cheek. He wanted to know what made her have such a low self esteem.

"And the worst part is he thinks I liked the kiss"

"You know him?"

She slowly nodded.

"How?" Derek asked as gently as he could.

"Remember when I told you that when I was in college that I that's I was young and naive and reckless. And that I made a lot of stupid, idiotic mistakes"


"Well he's one of those mistakes"

Derek knew he shouldn't be confused or scared for that matter, but he was. He had so many questions. Who was he? What her connection to him was? Why did he kiss her?

"And the worst part is" she breathed. "My past is still haunting me"

"Whydoyoumean?" Me mumbled while pressing a sweet kiss on her temple.

"I'm him" she whispered.

Happy New Years🙊
Waiting for all the hate comments...but I need more votes. I will wait until this has 21 votes or else... I won't update. I think you guys should give me my 21 votes because I think you'll want to know the whole story. But if I don't 21 votes I'll make this the next chapter Izzie, Jo and Alex drama😎 enough with my rambling🙈


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