Chapter 11: Cant Get You Out Of My Mind

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Derek's POV
(Hospital's Library)
It had been a week since Isaac's operation and having Dr. Grey on my service. And it seems I can't get her out of my mind. Whenever someone brings up the topic of flowers, I start thinking of her hair. Whenever I see something yellow or honey colored I remember how her soft sunset curls roll of her back. Whenever I see the painting of the ocean across the from the ICU I remember Meredith's eyes, because you can get lost in them. And my heart skipped a few beats when I heard her laugh. I even remember the first time I heard her giggle.

1 week ago...
(After the surgery)
M: That was amazing!
D: Mhm
M: Out of all the practicing on cadavers, actually performing that surgery was such a high. I don't know why people do drugs. (Giggles)
D: Yeah
M: Yeah
D: I should go do this thing
M: you should
D: see you around
M: seeya!

Man I'm such a loser! I quickly looked at the time and got to Benjamin's room. Benjamin came in this morning and had a pencil stuck in his eye. So I quickly ran to the library to brush up on my skills on how to remove an object penetrating the optic nerve. This kid was on a school bus when the accident happened and a pencil went right through his eye. Poor Kid

(Scrub Room)
As I was washing my hands and scrubbing in, my resident walked in.

"Hello Dr. Shepherd!" He said

"Hello to you to Dr.Karev" This was the second time he was on my service and he was a decent guy.

(During surgery)

"Poor Kid" Karev said

"Mhm, he needs to know that after high school the cliques are gone" I said while fiddling with pencil in his eyes

"HAHAHA" the most obnoxious voice laughed out. I saw it was a nurse across the room.

"Sorry Dr. Shepherd"

"What's so funny?"

"Well, I'm not sure we came along as far as you think, clique wise" she said

"We?" I was confused

"You think the hospital is cliquey?" I asked

But before she could answer Benjamin's brain started to swell up.

"Damnit! Push one of hemotine and two of atriope" I said to the nurse beside me.

Callie's POV
( Lucia's room)
I was working with the peds attending on this case. Lucia a 10 year old broke her leg causing her fibula to shift, which needs surgery.
"Okay so who's presenting" I said to the dim witted interns

"Lucia Parker, 10 years old. Fell of the top of the stair case and fell 3 flights. No brain or organ damage, apart from her squashed spleen. A 60 degree fibula shift near the thigh. Dr. Torres will work on the leg while Dr. Robbins takes care of the spleen" the brunette intern replied.

"Very good, what's your name?"

"Um, I'm Josephine or Jo Wilson,"

"Well, Dr. Wilson prep Lucia and go over the procedure to the family." Dr. Robbins said, taking the words right out of my mouth.

"Dr. Torres can I talk to you?" She said pulling me to the side

"Yeah" I said

Mark's POV
( Annafeild's room)

"Hey Annafeild!" I cheerfully greeted my patient along with my resident and her interns.

"Hey handsome" she replied smiling.

"Yang present"

" Annafeild Bay, 24, burn victim. Planning on doing a skin- graft  or the slight peeling of the skin over the course of 3 months" Yang said.

" Well which one is it?" I asked

she stared at me blankly

"which course of procedure do you recommend" I questioned, now seriously worried about Yang. Yang was probably one of the best residents and she never acted like this.

"Okay an intern answer" I said

"Um, it's depends what the patient wants sir" a shy voice said.

"Elaborate" I told her. I was planning on doing a skin graft but I still wanted to hear what this intern had to say.

"Well both are resulting in Ms. Bay's face back to the way it was. The skin graft will be done quicker but the face will be swelled up and I personally don't think a woman would want to walk around with her face bulging. The skin peel method doesn't leave any marks or scars and doesn't swell the face.Though the treatment will take long and there will be pain, even with the meds, I feel this is safer. But it's totally up to Ms. Bay." Wow, this intern has potential. She wanted me to find out what her name was. She was worth finding the name of.

"Good Job Dr...?"

"Dr. Lexie Grey" she said.

"Okay the decision is upto you Annafeild" I turned my face to the lady.

A/N Ayee! It's been awhile since I updated. As you can see I added Rose and Jo into the story as well as Slexie. So I just remembered something... Do you guys ship Omelia or Crowen? I want to know so I can incorporate that into the story. Leave your choice in the comments and when this gets 10 votes I'll update. Also I'm impressed with myself with all the Medical Stuff. P.S this is the longest update I've ever written so that's an early Christmas gift to you guys. Jk....Love ya

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