Chapter 29: Too Hard

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I moved one of my old updates and made it this chapter so if you see votes and views already it's not a glitch.

Here's your early Christmas Present👇🏼

*Still a bit of a flashback update...*

Meredith intently looked at the clock that hung near the door of Derek's office, sadly sighing that only 10 minutes had passed. She decided not to go look for surgeries and that being there for her mother physically, though not emotionally was the least she could do. She went into Derek's office hopeful of finding him there, but it turned out he wasn't even in the hospital yet. She sniffed the the chair that Derek sat in while completing the mundane chore of paperwork. The chair smelled like Derek, manly and strong but at that same time soothing and comforting. And in an instant Meredith felt a whole lot better. She glanced at the clock again but disappointed to find that only two measly minutes had gone by. She sighed moving to the nurse's station.

She should be charting and not worrying about if the oncologist from Boston, was the same oncologist from Boston that she had fret of. Derek was her stability. She couldn't possibly get through the past few weeks without Derek's encouraging words and his warm touch making her feel safe. And if the oncologist from Boston, was the same oncologist from Boston she kept mentioning, then her stability with Derek would be rocky.

I freakin' knew something like this would happen. She thought to herself. But she couldn't let herself think like that, at least not yet. It could turn out that the oncologist from Boston was female, although if Meredith heard correctly the chief had specifically used the word "he" numerous times. Or it could turn out that the oncologist from Boston, her Boston, was a totally different oncologist from the one she constantly referred to. But Meredith knew her luck, and it was never good.

"You overreact over nothing!" She angel side of her said.😇

"Maybe... The oncologist from Boston is him." The devil side of her suggested.👿

"Or it's probably nothing." The angel side of her calmed her down.😇

"Or it's probably everything. If the oncologist from Boston is him, then you would loose Derek too." The devil part of her continued to make Meredith feel apprehensive of the arrival of her mother's Doctor.👿

"Dr. Grey!"

"Huh" she snapped back into reality. Nurse Debbie had been calling her for the umpteenth time and she was too busy listening to her childish nonsense. She recalled from when she was seven, the Angel and Devil arguing inside of her about her mother.

Flashback to when Meredith was 7...

"She left you again!" The devil part of her screamed inside of the tiny body that belonged to Meredith Grey.👿

"No she didn't leave her, Ellis went to go check on an important patient." The Angel side of reasoned.😇

"Ellis left Meredith! That's the problem. Meredith is starving, she hasn't had food for the past three hours and her mother yet again left her!l" The devil part of her argued.👿. At this time young Meredith was too tired too let the conversation continue, in her small imaginative brain, and she groggily made her way to the sofa where she curled up into the ball. Clearly famished, but there was nothing the poor 7 year old could do.

End of flashback-

"Dr. Grey!!" Nurse Debbie clearly annoyed said, basically pushing her the charts in her hands.

"I'm sorry Debbie" Meredith clearly embarrassed said and quickly went back to charting. She smiled at her childishness. The 'angel and devil' parts of her always found a way to make any problem a huge deal. Of course Meredith knew that all this was in her brain and she was metaphorically referring to her thinking process as 'angel and devil'.

Meredith over eagerly looked for a clock, and saw that there was two more minutes until the arrival of her proclaimed nightmare. Of course she knew doctors were always running late and she knew that a top notch oncologist traveling here, to the city of rain from Boston, the city of sunshine would nonetheless be late. Taking a deep breath Meredith resumed to her plain task of charting.

Okay I'm sorry I still didn't reveal who the oncologist from Boston is. I know this chapter is uneventful, but appreciate the beauty of the writing. I actually learned some things from Writing Class (yeah I know surprising! I learned something! So shocking😂) To clear up some confusion... the previous chapter and this chapter all took place before Derek got Meredith coffee. The next chapter will hopefully answer the big impending question... Who is the oncologist from Boston?

Any guesses? Comment them👇🏼

15 votes/ 10 comments for the next update💕 also shud I use more emojis in my story... yea or naw.


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