Chapter 42: Dissapointments

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Hola readers! Hope your enjoying the fic. Last chapter was...😔. This chapter is also 😭. But things will look up soon!
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Mer's POV

Great just great!! Minutes after I leave the parking lot from my gruesome break up with Derek I get a call from Richard saying that my mom was lucid! Out of all the days she could've chosen to be lucid, she picks what seems to be the worst day of my life. I make my way into my mother's room and she's there freaking out!

"Meredith! Oh Meredith there you are!" She seems happy to see me for once

"Hi mom" I say begrudgingly.

"Meredith, how was are you? Why am I in a hospital as a patient? I'm a doctor!"


"MEREDITH! What's happening, I can't remember anything except for the fight we had before you left to go somewhere. I remember wanting to say that you should've stayed"

"I did leave unexpectedly" I clarify

"Meredith! I know you did"

"Mom!" I snapped. " I did leave, and then I went to college and then I did my internship and now I'm in my second year of residency..." I slowly say.

"Stop playing games with me! Just tell me what in the hell is going on!"

"Mom" I whine. This is going nowhere "I became a doctor after I ran away from you"

"Why cant I remember anything?"

"Mom, you have..."

"Meredith! I don't have time to put up with your-"

"ALZHEIMER'S, Mom you have Alzheimer's"


"Mother, you got early on-set Alzheimer's three years after I ran away from you" I discreetly say without mentioning Connor's name. If she saw Connor right now,  she would be confused as hell.

"But I'm not that old... I'm only f-"

"I know, I was in college at the time when I got the call from the hospital that your were acting strange and you could possibly have dementia." I explained. "But thankfully, at that time you were lucid enough to take care of yourself and your will. You signed everything over to me and you said you wanted to be in a home somewhere near Seattle" I took a deep breath, trying to to wince at Ellis's deafening sobs. "So after I finished up my last year in college, I got my internship at Mercy West and I moved to Seattle with you."

"College... Internship? Meredith please tell me you aren't actually a doctor"

"MOM! Is that all you care about? Me becoming a doctor trumps the fact that you have Alzheimer's!" I shout. Freakin' unbelievable, Ellis is incorrigible to put up with.

"No Meredith! You becoming a doctor, and not obeying me when I get your married to a successful doctor, You becoming a doctor and running away from your life like a little coward trumps me becoming lucid with a horrible disease. That's how big of a disappointment you are" She spat. I couldn't believe the words she was uttering.

"Dr.Grey, Meredith" A voice peeked in.

"Connor? Oh Connor! I'm glad to see that Meredith has some brain and finally came back to you." Mother gladly spoke.

"Ellis, you look wonderful." He said, coming into the room, not making eye contact with me but kissing my mother's cheek. Just like before everything had happened.

"Oh thank you, but I'm ecstatic to see that you and my daughter have worked it out." She smiled.

"Oh" he sighed. He finally looked at me, I nodded telling him not to say anything yet.

"Mom, another thing I have to say..." I plan to say stuff about her drastic cancer surgeries.

"Hold on, how about me and Meredith talk for awhile and then we'll talk Ellis" He interrupts.

"Fine" she huffed.

I quietly walk into the hallway as he does do.

"I got the divorce papers"


"Im sorry that your mom is being hard on you"

"But its not like you've never seen it before" I shyly say.

"true" he lightly chuckled.

"So how do you plan on telling her about the cancer"

"Oh we'll take it slowly, the four of us can explain detail by detail"

"Four of us?"

"You, me, Richard and Dr.Shepherd"

"Der- Dr.Shepherd? Why would you call him?" This was not good, this was beyond bad.

"His name is on her chart."

"oh.." He couldn't know about Derek. Or Alex for that matter.

"You know what Mer, you take a break from Ellis, I know how much she can take a toll on you. Go hang out with you friends. I'll take care for Ellis for now." He kindly smiled.

"Oh... Thanks I guess" I smiled back. "And if you don't mind I'd like to tell her we're getting a divorce tomorrow or whenever I get the chance" I say, his smile instantly fading.

"Umm Sure" he said not making eye contact with me once again. "Hey Shep!" I hear him say. I tightly close my eyes, praying that Derek isn't here.

"Hey Connor, I hear Ellis is lucid." I hear him cheerfully say, my eyes still tightly shut.

"Mer, you okay?" Connor asks me, stupidly placing his hand on my shoulder. I finally open my eyes to be greeted with Connor's worry ones, and Derek's  hurt and confused ones.

"I'm fine, thanks again for telling my mom about the cancer. It was nice seeing you again Dr.Shepherd" I say professionally without wincing.

"You too Dr.Grey." He sadly smiles before walking into the room with Connor.

Now all I was going to do was grab my friends and drink like there was no tomorrow.

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