Chapter 45: Let Loose

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Sorry for the wait...😩 I'm just really busy with school, but don't worry I'm still writing, kinda funny chapter.

She entered Joe's to be greeted with a large group of her friends combined. She smiled, she had people. No Derek. No Connor. No Ellis, but people that would care. She had people. She smiled as she walked towards them, feeling welcomed.

"Hey guys" Meredith smiled as she walked up to the crowded table.

"Baby you made it!" Cristina yelled holding two shots of tequila and handing one to her best friend.

"Of course I did" She said while taking her shot glass.

"Glad you could make it Grey" Alex grinned.

"Yeah I was looking for you because of you know" George half whispered and half choked on his beer. Poor George.

"God, George are you okay?" April sputtered catching the odd attention of everyone in the group.

"Hmm I'm fine" He blushed.

"Hows your mother" Izzie said trying to be friends.

"She was fine, except she was lucid" Mer sighed.

"That's wonderful!" April smiled, and Izzie did too.

"No its not, Redhead Cadette and Blonde Barbie" Cristina rolled her eyes.

"Why isn't it a good thing?" April kept investigating.

"Just leave it" Jackson warned but he was also slightly curious,

"Meredith whats up with you and your mom?" Izzie asked, going into uncharted territory. No one ever questioned.

"Lets just say my mom and I dont have the best relationship, can we leave it at that now?" Meredith sighed asking Joe for a beer.

"Hey Karev you see that redhead girl at 12:00? Bet you 30$ that she's coming over to me" Jackson laughed.

"Betcha 40$ she's making her way over to me" Alex smiled

"Your on" Jackson replied

"Looks like you both lost. The redhead went to Dr. Torres, and it seems their flirting" Izzie remarked.

"I thought Robbins was the gay one, not Torres" Alex said.

"More than one person can be gay in the hospital Alex" George shook his head.

"Speaking from experience?" Karev kept asking questions

George sputtered his beer "Uh no"

"You sure O'Malley?"

"Alex just stop" April warned.

"Kep he's just playing" Avery tried to cottle the mini fighting session.

"GUYS!" Cristina rolled her eyes, "It's supposed to a fun night out especially for Mer"

"It's okay, I have enough drama, might as well hear your dramas"

"Well you know how I had two guys, now I have none"

"What to do you mean?" Everyone asked.

"Well I made a choice and I chose Owen, but he moved on"

"Oh, well Burke's moving anyways so it was a good thing you chose Dr. Hunt" April  stated.

"Moving where?' Cristina's heart sank, now she really didn't have anyone.

"Moving to Switzerland or somethin', I was on his service and my intern overheard Chief and him talking" She said all tipsy.

"Its okay Cris, we'll just be whores on tequila"

"Yeah but you're married..." that silenced the table. A few day ago Meredith explained her sitaution to Cristina first, and then to her closer friends like George, Alex and Jackson. The 'redhead cadette' and 'blonde barbie' weren't really supposed to know.

"Oh I'm sorry" Cristina said, sobering up and realizing what she said.

Before letting anyone speak Jackson said, "Who was the chick, Hunt was kissin'?"

"She was pretty tall, black hair, nice eyes, pale face" Cristina drunkenly explained.

"So basically 80% of the hospital?" George chuckled, and April followed.

"Shut up Bambi"

Kepner shot Yang a dirty look,

"She had navy blue scrubs and had was holding a pink and white striped scrub cap." She sighed.

"She sounds slutty" Meredith laughed, she was having fun.

"She probably is" Alex joked.

"Hey, that's Dr. Shepherd, the girl you described" Izzie smiled, as if she solved a mystery.

"Wow Blonde's are really dumb... no offense Mer" Cris snickered. "Dr. Shepherd is a guy, unless Meredith or Dr. Montgomery could tell us otherwise"

"No what I meant was, that his sister, she visits him monthly and scrubs in on a surgery here. I was on neuro today so I was with her when she and Dr. Hunt scrubbed in together on a trauma patient" Iz explained.

"At least you had a service, I was stuck in the pit" Alex grimaced.

"Wait Derek never told me his sister was visiting" Meredith frowned.

"Yeah, cause the only time you two talked today, was when you broke up with him" Jackson mumbled.

"Plus I dont think break ups go along with meeting the family" April said boldly, finally feeling a part of the group.

Before anyone could reply, everyone's pager started beeping. 911.

Just like that the drama filled residents and all the doctors in the bar ran across the street to the hospital, to help the victims of a train collision. 3 dead. 5 severely injured. 9 in sustainable condition.

Lets see if these residents can handle this.

So hopefully the new chapters will be up weekly😉 Remember to vote and comment. Comments keep me motivated. As always thanks for the 12k views😘 Answer some question down below for a surprise 👇🏼

Q: Whose the most annoying character on Grey's?

Q: Owen or Riggs? And what do u think about their storyline?

Q: Happy that there's a season 13 going to happen?

Q: Thoughts on Penny? (Aka Coin😉)

Q: Current least fave ship? Fave ship(s)?

Q: Japril Baby fued? Maggie and DeLuca drama?

My answers:
-Amelia, Jo or Maggie. I added Amelia in my story cause she's gonna be my version.
-Owen, but the whole sister thing is so random
-Obv happy that there's a ssn 13
- Lets hope she leaves!
- currently I dislike Jolex, cause they are confusing the ef out of me. Jo needs to decide asap if Alex is the one for her. Fave current ship is Benly cause their the normal married couple (Merder is still endgame tho)
- April just made matters worse, but the Avery family needs to get its shit together. Maggie is so annoying lately and DeLuca is so problematic🙄

Answer please🙈

-Love Jiji🐦

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