Chapter 12: Flirting Struggles

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AN- the flirting will not be between Alex and Meredith or Derek and Meredith... Please don't kill me! I promise Meredith will notice Derek and merder will happen!

Alex's POV
( the place where the computers are)

I was researching about nerve-penetration methods for Dr. Shepherd because we had a kid who had a pencil going through his eye into his brain. As I was searching the web, a person smelling like cotton candy lotion came and sat next to the computer beside me. I've never seen her before. Most likely she was an intern. A very hot intern. Goddamnit Alex! Geez what's wrong with you! You have a frickin girlfriend! First you flirt with Izzie, then you check and intern out!

After thinking awhile I summed up all my thoughts and concluded I was going to break up with Mer, because we weren't like we used to be. Meredith and I used to be best friends but for the past week she's been hanging out with Christina and George more than me. I planned I was going to break up with her by the end of the week, which shouldn't be too hard. Just then another person walked in the room and snapped me out of my thoughts. I could tell who the person was without even turning my back, Izzie.

"Hey you!" She poked me.

"Hello Dr. Wilson, good case?" She said to the intern. Hmm Wilson, doesn't ring a bell to me.

"So why ya here?" I said all flirtily. Dang it! There I go again with the flirting and smiling and blushing.

"Nothing, just that Burke has me scrubbing in on a pulmonary biopsy, and I want to brush up on my skills" she said "why are you here, Mr. Brain-surgeon wannabe?" She pointed to the brain on the computer screen. Mr. Brain surgeon wannabe? Really? But it was cute coming from her.

"Ah Shepherd has me on his service, plus Meredith is the brain surgeon wannabe" wrong move.... Bringing up your girlfriend.....

"So Wilson what are you researching? Your just an intern" she stated to the brunette girl.

"umm sorry, Dr. Torres said I can help her with her fibula case" she slyly said. Damn, it's the intern's second week and she's scrubbing in, I wasn't allowed till one month after.

Meredith's POV

Okay imagine this, your favorite ice cream flavor is strawberry right? So you go to the ice cream shop to but a three scoop strawberry sundae but today something catches your eye. The hot fudge sundae with whipped cream on the top and chocolate sauce dripping from the sides looks really good and you forget your about your strawberry sundae. So then you have to choose between strawberry or hot fudge, but you know can't have the hot fudge because it'll give you too many calories.

Sorry I'm terrible at analogies...

What I'm trying to say is that the strawberry sundae is my boring boyfriend, Alex and the hot fudge is a dreamy doctor who I can't have. What I'm about to say will sound super slutty but it's true. I find an attending really cute and charming, his name is Derek Shepherd and I have to say I'm obsessed with him. 
I've only worked with Derek one time, last week but I've seen him dozens of times in the hallways. If only he knew I existed.... He has perfect hair, mystical blue eyes, a sexy jawline, and his smile is super cute.

Me and Alex have grown apart after the merger so I thought I would break up with him soon, probably by the end of the week.

Callie's POV

Dr.Robbins pulled me into the hallway and began speaking

"Um, Lucia's spleen isn't the only thing that is damaged. I rechecked the MRI and found a tear in the intestines, it's very crucial that we fix it so you won't be able to do the surgery today as planned" The blue eyed blonde said.

"Umm can't we work around it? You can work on the spleen and intestines and I'll work on the leg" this seemed like a reasonable request.

"I can't do both the spleen and the intestines so I asked Bailey to scrub in, but I got a consult from Burke and he said Lucia's heart won't be able to withstand the operation if we do all three procedures so me and Bailey chose to let go on the fibula and scheduled it for a second surgery."

"Excuse me, you did all this without even giving me a heads up?" I was dumbfounded. Who does she think she is?

" I just believe we need to prioritize and I think the spleen and intestines come first. It's not like her leg isn't going to be operated on, it is but in a second surgery."

"Okay! When she can't walk and becomes paralyzed because we needed to "prioritize" you'll explain what happened!!!!" I stormed off and went to see my best friend Mark.

Derek's POV
As I was walking down the hallway a voice behind me echoed

"Oh Dr. Shepherd, I'm sorry about Benjamin Metcalf" Benjamin Metcalf was the teen I operated on, who's brain swelled up into a coma. I felt really weird talking to this person I didn't even know.

"And you have no idea who I am, do you?" She said

"Of course I do" I said trying to sound convincing.

"Bye Dr. Shepherd" you could tell she was embarrassed.

Then I realized who she was, she was the nurse that obnoxiously laughed in my O.R "You were the nurse in OR 2 who talked about cliques". She turned back and nodded meaning I was right.

AN- so when this gets 7 votes and 5 comments I will update. Leave in the comments of you want Rose to make Meredith jealous or Rose to just be there as a side character...
Love ya💕

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