Chapter 10: The inoperable

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A/N I suggest rewatching 6x07 over again. Derek operates on an inoperable tumor, similar case for this chapter. Also thanks for the support, even for the new readers😉

Meredith's POV
"What took you so long, Dr.Grey? Don't you know we have a ground breaking surgery scheduled this afternoon?" Dr. Shepherd said firmly.

Really? I have an attending with a bad attitude. This was unfair. First my boyfriend flirts with Barbie and then I get stuck with McAss.

"Of course I know, in fact I already examined and explained Isaac the procedure for the fourth time" I annoyingly stated. If it weren't for his perfect hair and deep blue eyes I would have gotten real pissed at him. I wasn't that hungover and Richard let me help him examine Isaac. I could tell by Dr. Shepherd's face that he didn't believe me at all.

"Oh really? Well are you familiarized with his the case and type of tumor?"

"Of course" I nodded "Would you like me go prep Mrs. Bakersfield for her craniotomy?"

"Sure, but before you do that come with me." He stated,"So we can discuss how you got special privileges and got to examine Isaac with Dr. Webber" I quietly nodded, knowing that he didn't know who my mom was. Not that I should be getting special treatment, my mom was a straight-up bitch. He knocked on Richard's office door and we heard a "come in"

"Ah what a surprise! Dr. Shepherd and Meredith!" Richard said. Dr. Shepherd seemed startled by the fact Richard acknowledged me by my first name.

"You two know eachother?" He asked.

"Meredith was the daughter I never had" Richard stated.

"Yeah, my mom was never there to raise me, so Richard and Adele took over and became my somewhat parents" I said. " He was there for my graduation when my mom got called off to do a surgery"

"What about your dad?" He stupidly questioned.

"Uh, something happened and he was a drunk and he left me" I could tell I looked really sad.

"Why was your mom never there?" Another STUPID question asked by Dr. Shepherd.

"Meredith's mom was a busy surgeon" Richard stepped in and helped me. Shepherd's face seemed alarmed. Richard gave him a no-more-dumb-questions-about-merediths-childhood look and Shepherd slowly made his way out of the office.

"I'm sorry I brought up all the questions about your family." He sadly stated.

"It's fine" I smiled trying not to look gloomy. He told me to go prep Mrs. Bakersfield and that I could be the hold the retractor during the surgery!

Derek's POV
I felt horrible dragging Meredith to Webber's office and making her confess her tragic childhood memories. Her being sad was something I could not bear so I said she could help with the  craniotomy. Besides she looked like a promising neurosurgeon. I went ahead into my office and started practicing my technique on how I was going to remove Isaac's big tumor.

Alex's POV
After me and Jackson left, Meredith and April and their friend named Chrissy or something and Izzie followed us shortly afterwards. As I was changing in the residents lounge I saw Izzie again. I was kind of mad at her for having sex with Jackson but I couldn't let ANYONE know. I mean I had the perfect girlfriend, yet Izzie just lights up the room. She's the sun to my shine. I know that's really corny but whatever. How could I like someone this much by just talking to her.

"Hey, so who's service are you on?" The Izzie asked me.

"Umm, the new one, Montgomery" I replied.

"Oh, I have Robbins, I don't know if she's nice or not"

"Don't worry, Dr. Robbins is really nice" I assured her.

"Wait doesn't Robbins and Montgomery have a case together today?" I asked.

"Ohmygawd yes!" She squealed. "I totally remember now!" By now all the residents were looking at us. My eyes roamed around the room looking for Meredith. She looked directly at me, I could tell she was mad.

The next thing I know Izzie ran out of the room, and then Meredith and Chrissy strolled out of the lounge as if it never happened.

A/N I know some parts are confusing but I'll try to clear it up. Also I will post the next chapter when I get 8 votes and 2 comments. Love ya💕

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