Chapter 22: McDreamy

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Next couple of chapters will be short...enjoy!

Meredith's POV
(Residents Locker room)

"So how's Mcdreamy?" Cristina asked.

"Mc who?" I responded.

"Ya know, McDreamy!" She stated it again, as if that was explaining anything.

"You mean Derek?" I whispered, I received some glances from neighboring residents, but I chose to ignore them.


"Good," I sighed. "We just went on the one date together, but we've been making out a lot, I mean ALOT, whenever we can."

"Sleeping with the boss?" A new voice behind us questioned. When I turned my head, I found the one and only bf-snatcher.

"Nope, not sleeping with the boss" I remarked quickly.

"Ahuh, sure, not sleeping with the boss" Izzie said, sarcastically.

"While we're on the topic of sleeping, how's Alex, the boyfriend you stole from me"

"I didn't steal him, plus he totally ignores me now"

"You had it coming" Cristina replied.

"Yup, he's cozying up to that intern Jo"

"An intern?" Both Cristina and I said, shocked.

"Yeah, I guess guys just like sleeping with their subordinates" Izzie sighed, as she applied some blush and mascara on her all ready perfect face.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I angrily asked.

"Nothing" she smiled and went off.


"Ugh, she drives me crazy" Cristina replied.

"We're all sleeping with our bosses"


"Except me"

"You mean you and McDreamy didn't do the McNasty yet?"

"Nope" I laughed a bit, at Cristina's crazy nicknames.

"Tell me, when you guys do the McNasty"


"Just tell me, plus he looks like he'd be good"

"Aren't you with Owen or Burke?"

"I still can't choose, so both of them are withholding sex"

I snorted

"Hey, if and when you guys do it, help a girl out with a few details" she defended herself.

"Okay, I will" I smiled. "Who do you have?"

"I'm on Thoracic, with Fields"

"I'm on plastics with McSteamy"

"McSteamy, huh? Fits perfectly"

Just then Cristina's pager started beeping. She quickly wore her scrubs and darted towards the door. But before she left she said "Mer, be careful with your relationship with McDreamy, you don't want to be that whore, like me"

Words of advice, from my twisted sister.

Okay I know this is super short.
Thoracic is an actual field in medicine, I'm not lying. But Dr.Taylor Fields, is a character I made up.

So basically Jolex is happening, in my story. But apparently in Season 12 of Grey's, Shonda thinks it's okay for Jolex not to happen. Anyways season 12 is so weird without Derek and Cristina... That Riggs guy is very suspicious.

❌❌Season 12 SPOILER: I heard from various sources that Riggs will most likely be in a romantic relationship with Meredtih sometime soon. I'm cringing❌❌

Sorry for my rant but Happy Thanksgiving!🐔

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