Chapter 24: Love and Lust (part 1)

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Did the last chapter sound familiar?
This is gonna be a good one, but part 2 will be better🙊

It had been a month since Derek and Meredith started "dating". If you could call it dating anyways. They made out a lot, but due to their schedule there wasn't a whole lot of dates. Today Derek was going make sure he had his way with Meredith. They both had the night off, so Derek planned a picnic on his land. Then he was going to show her his trailer and and show her how good he was in bed. He wanted to know Meredith. Sure she was a pretty face to look at, but from what he had gathered she had a broken and terrible past.

Derek raced down the stairs and found Meredith chatting with her friends, Amy or April and Johnson or Jackson. He couldn't quite remember the names, so he settled in calling them Dr. Kepner and Avery. He slowly approached the trio.

"Hey guys" he said, interrupting the conversation.

"Hey Dr. Shepherd!" Ally or Apey said.

"Hi, bye Mer, we gotta go" Jim or Jack said as he walked away.

"Nice way to scare off my friends" she teased.

"Good thing they ran off, me and you got something special to do"

"Oh really?"


"What's that something special"

"Im taking you out on a date"

"First you have to ask, to take me to a date"

"Okay, Meredith will you go out with me?"


"Why?" I frowned.

"I don't feel like going on a date with you" she giggled as she ran out the hospital. Derek followed behind her, amused. As he made his way towards Mer, he heard her say

"I'm sorry Dr. Montgomery"

"Geez! These are 200$ Prada high heels!" Addison yelled.

"I'm sorry" Meredith repeated softly. Derek went up to her and grabbed her hand, to show support.

"Addison, it was a mistake. Mere.. Dr. Grey didn't mean to spill coffee on you shoes" Derek defended.

"Oh Derek! Sleeping with the help, aren't you?" She said in an insulting tone. "Screwing residents, to get over being screwed."

Derek gave his ex-wife a dirty look.

"C'mon, move on from the past! You couldn't have been that oblivious to mine and Sam's affair!" She half yelled, half chuckled.

"Let's go Meredith" Derek growled, as he dragged Meredith towards his car.

"Do what you do best Derek! RUN!" Addison screamed across the parking lot, revealing the cold hearted bitch she really was. She never loved Derek. She only strung him along for the money and title. Derek, being the innocent little puppy he was, was totally ignorant.

Derek took a few deep breaths in the car.

"Wow, no wonder you divorced her" Meredith chose to lighten the mood. No response.

"You still haven't asked me out for the date." She reminded.


"The date! You were gonna take me somewhere... Ring a bell?"

"Oh right, sorry"


Derek leaned over and gave a delightful kiss to his remarkable girlfriend. "Mer will you please go out in a date with me?"

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