Chapter 28: Too Much

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Sorry I left y'all hanging. Reminder the more votes/comments the more faster I update👻

*These next few chapters will be flashback chapters from Meredith's POV of what happened in the previous chapter*

Meredith's POV

It had been a long three weeks. The only thing that kept me going were coffee and Derek. Cristina was being all hormonal and bitchy, because her abortion appointment kept getting delayed. I couldn't possibly ask Cristina for help. George had a lot on his plate already, his dad was admitted into the hospital, the CT scans show he has cancerous cells in his upper body. Jackson and April, were dealing with their own shit, and it didn't seem appropriate to bitch about them about my poor mother who has Alzheimer's. So coffee and Derek helped A LOT. Alex and I are in the midst of being back to friends. One day Alex came up to me and apologized for sleeping with Izzie, so we decided on being friends. And Izzie's slowly becoming my 'acquaintance'. But Derek was my go to person for my burden. But there was always this part of me that told me not to rely on him too much.

My pager beeped, paging me to go to the oncology wing for the results of my mother's labs.

Honestly my mother was going to be the death of me. When I went to check on her at the home, Betty, the nurse that changed my mother told me that my mother wasn't feeling well and felt light headed. So I asked the chief if someone could come in and check on her. Dr. Patinkski my mother's personal doctor said she would need scans done, so at last I had to admit her into the hospital. Richard told me, he brought in a state of the art oncologist, who was going to treat my mother if she had cancer. I never bothered to learn his or her name, because I could care less. I finally reached the oncology wing and asked the nurse for my mother's file. My mother didn't care for me, who should I?

"Hi Sheila, do you have the labs for Dr. Ellis Grey?"

"Sure Dr. Grey, hold on one sec" she smiled as she looked for the labs. This was dreadful. Part of me wanted my mother to die a horrible death, but then I would be the one ending up caring for her. I thanked the nurse and walked over to Richard's office.

"Hello Meredith" Richard greeted me.

"Hey Richard"

"Are those the results?" He asked eyeing the file in my hand.

"Yeah... Can you open it... I can't" I sighed.

"Uh sure" he said, taking the lab from me. He opened it and looked over it.

"Meredith, I'm so sorry, your mother does indeed have stage 4 liver cancer. The tumor is very aggressive and the cancer has spread to her pancreas."

Oh god! Damn it! This was my punishment for being the world's worst daughter. "Oh no"

"I'll call in the oncologist I was speaking of and he should be here by 8:00" I glanced at the vintage clock hung above Chief's desk. It read 7:45, that meant one do two things. Either that the oncologist lived close by or the Chief knew my mother had cancer. "Chief... Did you know my mother had cancer? before I did?"

"Meredith, I don't want to lie, but I did have my suspicions. I am a general surgeon, and I do specialize with livers and the pancreas. All the sudden symptoms your mother was showing indicated she had cancer. So I asked one of the best oncologist from Boston to come for a consult on your mother's treatment plan. But Meredith, I didn't wanna worry you until it was true." He explained.

I tried to comprehend what he was saying to me but the only words that grasped my attention was Boston and Oncologist. I was hopeful that it didn't mean what it meant. I nodded and left the office to troll for surgeries. Maybe if I got a surgery I wouldn't have to face my mother and the Boston Oncologist. I just had to wait 15 more minutes to see if my nightmare was coming true or not.

Ohh... kind of a cliff hanger.

Sorry I barely updated this week but with everything going on, and being sick I couldn't find the time.

Who do you think the Boston Oncologist is? Father, Sister, Ex- Boyfriend, Aunt, Uncle, Step-Father, College Bestie?...

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