Chapter 30: Unbelievably Unrealistic

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Slowly goes and hides...🏃🏽

Meredith over eagerly looked for a clock, and saw that there was two more minutes until the arrival of her proclaimed nightmare. Of course she knew doctors were always running late and she knew that a top notch oncologist traveling here, to the city of rain from Boston, the city of sunshine would nonetheless be late. Taking a deep breath Meredith resumed to her plain task of charting.

She stared at the clock for the millionth time that minute.

Damn it! The oncologist was 10 minutes late. She hadn't got a page yet from Richard, which meant the oncologist was late.

Sighing, Meredith still holding the the charts and the blue pen she just seconds ago was writing with, turned around to go someplace quieter. Probably the hangout she and Cristina discovered their first week of residency. Their hangout was a bunch of misplaced gurneys bunched together at an abandoned hallway. She and Cris always went there, sometimes including George. Now that Meredith had a wide expansion of friends, she occasionally took April, Jackson and Alex with her. The second she turned around she collided with an all too familiar figure. She mumbled and apology, not realizing who is was. The guy, in response said it was no problem, not recognizing Meredith. But within a quick second, glossy blue-green eyes met with honey chocolate-brown eyes, and all realization came into play.

"Meredith?" The guy, she bumped into questioned.

"Uh...uhm" was all she could response. This was not happening. Part of her nightmare was coming true and she didn't like it at all.

"Oh my god! Meredith" he smiled.

"C...Co....Connor" she finally squeaked out.

"So how are you?" Connor decided to make conversation.

"I uh I'm good. Actually really good. Well I guess you can't get any gooder than me. Although gooder isn't a word. I'm rambling again aren't I. Rambling isnt good. Rambling isn't gooder. There I go again...I used a word that's non existent in the dictionary. I'm still rambling. Please tell me to stop, because if you don't tell me to stop I won't stop" Meredith began nervously rambling to Connor, someone from her dark and twisty past.

"I know a few ways, that could uh stop you from rambling" he smirked, remembering the one thing that always stopped her from rambling. She looked too cute. Meredith was always pretty but he hadn't seen her in years, and she had matured into a very beautiful lady.

" you know some shut me up... Well I'm not shutting up anytime soon so please use one of those few ways to shut me up. I never liked my nervous rambling. Not that I'm nervous right now. God please shut me up. Im never gonna stop rambli-" Meredith got cut off by Connor forcefully pushing his tongue into her mouth. It took a few seconds to realize that Connor was now kissing her. Meredith was enraged. All she did was ask him to stop her incessant rambling, but he did what he only knew what to do and engaged in a unpredictable kiss. Meredith angrily pulled away and yelled "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT" as she ran to the nearest on call room, disregarding the fact that everyone surrounding her had their eyes fixated on her, including Derek's...

I know, I know, that was extremely shocking and short but I hope you can find a way to forgive me. I have a fairly long winter break so I can write and update more often. Hopefully this gives you some peace of mind of who the guy was that was kissing Mer. A picture of Connor is up ^^... he is hot but not as hot as our beloved McDreamy. (aka that's a picture of Chris Hemsworth) Have a beautiful day and hopefully I get some votes and comments.


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