Chapter 25: Love and Lust (part 2)

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Not to keep you waiting...

"Thank you" she said before pulling him into a blissful hug. Tonight, right now Meredith felt utter bliss, and safe in Derek's arms. This felt like home

"We should head inside" Derek said.

"Yeah, but where's your house?

"Right there" he pointed at his trailer

"You are amazing!" She yelped as she sprinted toward the tin box.

Once they got inside, Derek have her a small tour, considering it was only a 12x7ft space.

"Want a beer?" Derek said as he opened up his mini refrigerator.

"Nope, I'm good." she smiled back at him.

"Fine, then I'll be sober too" he said as he took a seat near Mer, on his bed.

"Aw, I make you stay sober." she teased in a baby voice.

"I want to be with you, whiteout being drunk." He said. She feeling his arm make its way around her waist. She wasn't expecting this. The nervousness and the butterflies in the stomach, she was expecting. But it was the calmness of it all, the joy, the happiness she felt constantly. That she never would have expected. She figured this "date" would definitely not have gone this wonderfully.

She leaned against his chest as Derek's fingers found a way to her golden locks.

"I just realized, I know nothing about you" he blurted out.

"Hmm.." she sighed, her head still not moving from his chest.

"Hmm?" he asked, in a mocking voice, tightening his grip from around her waist.

"I could say the same thing about you, apart from knowing you have four sisters"

"I'll go first, then you go" he stated, looking into her twinkling emerald sea eyes, remembering the first he had saw her.


"Well, hold on a sec" Derek thought about the random facts he could tell her. "My mother's maiden name is Maloney, My sister's names are Nancy, Lizzy, Kathleen, and Amelia. I have nine nieces and five nephews. I like... coffee ice cream, single malt scotch, an occasional good cigar, and I like to fly fish. I cheat while I do the crossword puzzle, and I never dance in public."

Meredith giggled

"Hmm, favorite book, Sun Also Rises. Favorite band, would have to be The Clash, and favorite color, is blue, not light blue, indigo." Derek continued. "And this scar on my forehead," he pointed at his scar, "is the reason why I don't ride motorcycles anymore"

"Woah, that's a mouthful"

"You could say that again"

"Well, I'm an only child, my mother is not really the heart warming kind, cause she was a hardcore famous surgeon. My father, well I don't really know where he is." She sighed. Derek held her, inhaling the intoxicating smell of her hair. "I'm not a girly girl. I'm dark and twisty. And my favorite type of ice cream is strawberry"

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