Chapter 18: The Kiss

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Part 2: this is exactly where the last chapter left off.

Derek's POV
( Still In Surgery )

Every time I looked up to stretch my neck, I saw Rose, creepily smiling at me. I smiled back, trying not be rude. I was just finishing up closing the skull flap. Every now then I would steal glances at Meredith, watching her suction and help Dr. Davis as he taught Meredith step by step of what to do and how to do it. Meredith was an excellent resident, she listened and did everything she was told to do. Maybe I would request her on some of my surgeries. A nurse came into the OR and said that Dr. Davis was getting paged a 911. He requested that someone close up as he left for a consult. Meredith happily agreed to close up.

By the time she was finished stitching up, I was done with applying all the sutures. We walked out of the OR together, and as we washed our hands, she never said a word. She stormed off as if she were mad at me. I quickly left the scrub room trying to catch up to her.

"Meredith!" I slightly yelled.

"Dr. Grey!" I said a little louder.

"Meredith, what's wrong" I finally said as I caught up to her.

"This whole thing is wrong! God I should've never gotten involved with my boss in the first place" she screamed, she caught the attention of some nosy nurses and interns so I quickly pushed the both of us in an utility closet.

"Stop screaming and breathe" I told her calmly as she let go of her anger.

"Sorry, I shouldn't have screamed" she apologized.

"Don't worry, but you have to tell me what's wrong" I said brushing her soft hair and tender curls behind her ear, which had no earrings, but an earring hole.

"It's just that first you ignore me during CT, so I worry that I did something, then you tell me you only want to keep our relationship professional until we figure it out, and then you flirt with a nurse right in front me, totally dissing our coffee date, or coffee hangout or whatever you want to call it" she rambled. It was so cute when she did that.

"Meredith, don't worry, I like you not the nurse" I clarified.

The tension between us started to vanish but another type of tension began to arouse. Sexual Tension.

I would be crazy, if I denied the fact that there wasn't some sort of connection between us. But before I knew it, our lips crashed together. They crashed like a waves onto a sandy shore. Meredith's lips rested on mine. My tongue eagerly played at her lips, requesting entrance into the place that I had pined for ever since I saw her at the elevator. Our tongues meshed together. We both pulled away but the heat was still there. I looked into her eyes, which were full of desire, as I began to speak. She quickly placed her finger, which had blue chipped nail polish, over my mouth and as leaned in and kissed me again. I was surprised but I didn't stop what was happening. In one motion, her arms were around my neck, and her legs were around my waist. She quickly pulled away and breathlessly said "I have rounds"

Okay guys! Comment either adorable or boring depending on the last two updates. When this gets 14 votes and 9 comments I will upload chapter 19.

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