The Meet-Up (The Pack)

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We have never had a crowd like this before, especially at an unsponsored meet-up. There are more people here to meet us at the park than there were at PAX yesterday. They are stretched across the width of the park and around the corner in a long, squiggly line, screaming and laughing and dancing and jumping to get our attention. This is the first time we have all gotten together for a meet-up since we were in England, and it feels so good to be reunited at last.

We are just waiting on Vik now. He said he was on his way fifteen minutes ago, so he should be here any minute. It's hot out today, and the fans are getting antsy and Mitch is getting bitchy. Lachlan has already started taking selfies with some of the fans and Jerome is doing a mini-Q&A with a little circle of his Benja-hoodied disciples. Preston has taken to poking me with someone's foam diamond sword, trying to get a reaction out of me. I think some of the fans are placing bets on how long it will take for me to snap; they should really be betting on how long it will take before the sword breaks from him jabbing me repeatedly in the ribs. No one else has to live with this man.

"He's here!" a red-haired fangirl screams from the middle of the line, pogo-ing up and down on the spot as she points across the street to a yellow taxi pulling up against the curb. A wave of sound crashes over the park and I hear Preston's high-pitched pterodactyl scream behind me as he starts smacking me on top of the head with his bendy sword. We walk over to the front of the sidewalk as a group to greet the last Pack member, an apologetic grin on his face as he hurriedly counts out the money to pay the cab driver. Finally, he slams the door shut and starts walking around the back of the yellow car, his hands up in the air with his palms to the sky.

"How's it going, San Francisco?! Sorry I'm late, I had to-" As soon as he makes it around the trunk of the taxi to cross the street, the driver starts to pull away from the curb. There is an earsplitting honk as a passing Hummer speeds past, swerving to avoid the front of the taxi. She must not have seen Vik crossing behind the cab.

The scene played out in slow motion, but I never saw the smile leave his face. I don't think it ever did. One second he was standing there, waving at the crowd with both arms like the camera ham he is, and the next... he was nowhere. I hope Jerome can somehow keep the footage of the accident from getting out; no one deserves that, especially Vik.

It would have been bad if there had been a thud, but the snapping and crunching was a thousand times worse. That wasn't even the worst part. The worst part of the whole thing, the thing I will never forget for as long as I live, was the stream of blood and gore that came afterward. It was like a pressure hose, starting with us and steadily moving its way along the line of fans. His blood is still hot and I can feel drops of it leaking down my cheek and running down my arms. Preston lets out a shuddering breath next to me and I feel Mitch grab onto my shoulder to recover from the shock. It takes about ten seconds for reality to sink in.

That was when Lachlan screamed.

After that, all hell broke loose.


A song-fic based on the song "I'll Be Missing You" by Puff Daddy. Give it a listen if you need some feelz.

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