Flashback: A Flash Fiction Challenge

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A collection of fifteen-words-or-fewer flash fiction stories in tribute to The Great Nooch and his departure from YouTube. May the crack be ever in your favour, and may the chocolate-iest of all chocolate milks always pour into your wine glass.



Chocolate milk.

Too busy.


Cheap beer.

Empty hours.


Hard liquor.

No point.




Said yes,

Big check,


Said no,

Twenty views,



Lies Mitch Told Me:

If you work hard enough...

But it was never enough.


For Sale:

Low price:

Fresh soul,

YouTube famous.


"Before I Became a Meme":

Last game

Camera off

No regrets

Signing off.

Crack Attack: A Collection of One-Shots and Other Disturbing ShitWhere stories live. Discover now