In Love With Mr Suicidal

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This is just like the blurb. I'll put in the poem as well. It's base LOSELY on the poem...meaning I don't actually want them to succeed in committing suicide. 


"How come you chose me?" I ask.

He smiles and pulls me closer to him. 

"Because. I love you and I know what you've been through" He whispers. 

"But you could have anyone you want at this school. Yet you chose me, the freak...the outcast...Why?" I ask.

He kisses my lips soft and sweetly. 

"I don't want anyone else. I wont leave you" He says.

I smile and blush hugging him tightly. 

"Good, because I need you" I whisper.

The vulnerability clear within my voice. 

 "I'll be here as long as you want me" He whispers.

I smile and blush as he kisses my neck. 

"You're so sweet Ann-ray" He mumbles against my skin.

I shiver in delight and give a soft moan. He chuckles causing me to blush. 

"That's the cutest sounding moan I've heard in my life" He whispers huskily into my ear. 

"Mr Roberto" I whisper.

He sighs and kisses down my jawline. 

"Please Ann-ray, call me James" He pleads. 

"O-Okay" I stutter.

He looks at me with an amused smile and taps my nose. I scrunch my nose causing him to chuckle a little and me to blush. 

"Why are you so nervous?" He asks softly.

I smile up at him and place my small hand on his strong jawline. 

"I've never been this vulnerable" I whisper.

I watch as his eyes soften and a small smile forms on his pink smooth lips. 

"There's a first for everything" He says smiling. 

"Are you nervous?" I ask.

He smiles and nods his head. He is? He doesn't seem it.

"I may not look like I am. But trust me. My heart is beating so fast, I was sure that the moment you walked through my door you would have heard it" He says sincerely.

I giggle slightly as he blushes while wrapping his arms around my waist. 

"I-" He was about to say something when someone barged through the door. 

"Some one tell me what the HELL is going on here!?" I watched in fear.

I couldn't pull my eyes away from the man standing in the door way. He looked like an angry bear. Standing tall, towering over everyone, teeth together tightly as his muscles in his cheeks poke out. He glared at me with his icy-cold stare. 

"Father" Mr Roberto growls lowly. 

Poem this book is based off; 

My soul is hurt,

My heart tossed away like dirt,

You said you loved me,

I was to blind to see.

You said you would stay,

And never go away,

But now I'm here,

Wiping a tear.

You're deep underground,

You gave up,

You make no sound,

You told me to live,

But you chose to die,

It hurts to live,

All I do is cry,

'Coz you're not here,

I'm scared,

You can't take away the fear,

I thought you cared.

I'm to weak to hold on,

I can't stay strong,

Now that you're gone,

I know it's wrong.

I pop a pill,

I see the light,

It doesn't seem real,

Then you come to sight.

You look sad,

The cuts I see,

What we did was bad,

But our love,

will forever be.

Don't worry, in the book they wont actually die...I hope, I don't want them to but sometimes my hands take over without my mind registering what my hands are typing 

In Love With Mr SuicidalWhere stories live. Discover now