Chapter 14

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Ann-Ray's P.O.V

“Good morning Angel” I hear a voice whisper next to me.

I smile and open my eyes to be met by his happy green ones.

“Good morning” I say smiling back.

He smiles down at me before making a humming sound and softly placing his lips on mine for a peck.

“Do you know what we're doing today?” He asks smirking.

“You're teaching me to drive?” I ask eagerly. He chuckles and nods.

“But first. You have to eat this delicious breakfast I made for you” He says moving slightly so I can see what's behind him.

I smile happily as I see Eggs, Bacon, Toast and juice. He moves it to me as I sit up a little. As I hold the plate on my lap, James climbs onto the bed, sitting next to me.

“Thank you” I say smiling.

“Hm” He hums smiling before kissing my cheek quickly.

Almost like a kid kissing their crush's cheek for the first time. He's just sitting next to me smiling happily like a ten year old. I start to eat, but me not being use to this. I ask James to help me eat the food. Which he does.

“Shower?” He asks.

I smile and nod. I go to get up and leave only for James to pull me back down on the bed. I watch him curiously.

“I get a kiss first” He says.

I smile and roll on top of him. Leaning down slowly, just to torture him. I stop an inch before my lips are to touch his. He groans before placing a hand in my hair gently bringing my head closer so my lips would meet his. His hand on my waist, the other tangled in my hair. My hand holding his cheek, the other resting on his chest as he nips at my bottom lip.

I gasp in shock, he takes this to his advantage and slides his tongue into my mouth. Roaming my mouth. He makes sure to be gentle. I find it cute, he doesn't have to be so soft on me. I'm not going to break. I smile the slightest into our kiss as he moans softly. He moves his hand from my hair and holds my hips with both hands.

“God you're such a turn on” He whispers huskily.

I giggle and blush before getting up and walking to the shower. I get to learn to drive today, I can't wait. Once I hop out of the shower I make my way to my room, getting out my blue jeans and white tank top with a black blazer. I put my hair up in a loose bun and make my way to the lounge room were I see Mr Roberto sitting, watching T.V.

He's wearing knee length loose, blue denim shorts and a white top that hugs his body. I walk to him and sit next to him. He seemed surprised since he didn't hear me walking in. I smile up at him while he wraps his arm around me before kissing my forehead.

“Wanna watch the rest of this before we go?” He asks.

I look at the screen to see Heartbreak high. I can't help but laugh a little. He's watching a scene where the new teacher played by Simon Baker starts to fall for his student. How ironic.

“I wonder if the people who made this, ever thought a student and their teacher in a relationship would be watching this” I say. James laughs a little.

“Probably not Angel.” He says.

“Have you seen this before?” I ask.

He shakes his head. I smile. He's so cute.

“I have. It's not a positive ending” I inform.

He looks at me with a frown, making him even cuter.

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