Chapter 20

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Hey guys! I'm going to dedicate this to the awesome @ally1996 haha :D she's awesome. Always comments and likes and is always so fired up when I make these two lovers go through a rough patch ahaha :P 


Fredrick's P.O.V

I went onto the live feed that Tomas had told me about. Actually, a lot of my students had emailed me this link in panic. I watch with wide eyes as James get's ready to hang himself. He gets the rope and that's all I need to see. He only lives fifteen minutes running distance away from me.

How could he be so stupid? I drop everything and run out of the door. I don't care about someone robbing me while I leave my front door open. I race up his stairs, god I hope he isn't dead. I barge into his apartment and into his room just as he stops struggling.

Wide eyed I walk over to the boy and pull him down. I proceed to do CPR on him at the same time I dial the ambulance. I see that the feed is still going once I get a pulse and turn it off. Those bastards have seen enough.

“How could you be so stupid James?” I mutter.

“How did this happen?” The paramedic asks as he kneels near my nephew.

“I don't know. I just saw the live feed and knew what he was thinking when I saw the rope in his hand so I got here as fast as I could” I say honestly.

“What are you to him?” He asks.

“I'm his uncle” I state.

He nods his head and helps the others get him on the stretcher. I take the stairs as they take the lift.

“You riding with?” The paramedic asks.

“Yeah, I didn't bring my car, I ran here” I say.

I get in the back with James and take his hand in mine, I swear this idiot is going to give me a heart attack. Once he's settled in and stable I call Rosa, Tom and Simon.

“Where is he? Is he okay?” Simon asks frantically.

He is the first to show up, soon followed by Rosa.

“He's resting in the room behind us and he's fine” I assure them.

I see Rosa tear up, my eyes immediately go soft as I wrap my arms around my little sister. She clutches to my top as she rests her head on my chest. I rub her back as she sobs.

“It's okay Rosa. He's going to be okay” I say softly.

“Why would he do this?” She asks.

I pull out of our hug slightly and look her in the eyes.

“He's been through a lot Rosa. I know you've been through just as much but he's a young boy” I say softly. She sighs and nods.

“I wish things were easier for him” She mumbles as she rests her head in my chest again.

“I know, but there's nothing we can do” I say softly.

“What caused this though?” She asks.

I sigh, I pull out the CD from my jacket.

“Take this and watch it when you're alone” I say.

In any other case I would have handed this in but this would destroy him and his career. I love Ann-Ray but I don't like how he is willing to risk everything for this one girl.

“Okay” Rosa says taking it and putting it in her bag.

“I'll let you guys have some time to yourselves” I say.

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