Chapter 24

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I know it's been a long while and I apologise, I have major authors block, even though I've planned all of this out. It's a matter of wording my ideas.


"Angel...Angel wake up beautiful" My mind processing James' words slowly as I groan and protest. Chuckling he kisses my cheek.

"Do you know how to dance?" He asks me. This definitely woke me up, what a peculiar thing to ask me. I look at him with a slight frown, my head to the side and my eyebrows furrowed.

"I've never tried..." I answer honestly.

"I'll teach you how to slow dance" His declaration was laced with enthusiasm which I couldn't help but smile at.

"It's too early for you to be so cute" I giggle.

Kissing his cheek I hop up and head for the shower, hearing his sexy chuckle from inside our room. Soon, I hear shuffling. I smile, knowing he's following me into the bathroom. His arms wrap around my waist perfectly and his chin rests lightly on my shoulder as he kisses my cheek.

"You're starting to make a habit of having showers with me" I point out the obvious.

Turning to look at him, his hair sexily messy and his green eyes twinkling as his lips tug up into a playful smile, his lips kissing my neck softly and my cheek.

"Look at it this way, the water and gas bill wont be as high" Gasping, I smack his chest playfully as he chuckles.

"By the amount of time we spend in the shower together, I have a feeling it'll be higher" I mumble softly whilst blushing.

Keeping in a chuckle he winks and smiles, helping me take off my clothes, not because I needed it but because he likes to be a pervert every now and again. It's Monday morning, this friday is the formal and I can't wait to go. I didn't go to the year eleven formal, not just because I had too many bruises but because father wouldn't buy me a dress, I knew that much and I was still missing my brother gravely.

"Spend lunch with me today?" His question was laced with nervousness.

"Don't I always?" I ask with a small laugh.

"Angel, I have some things to ask you and we don't have enough time right now" He says glancing at me from the drivers seat.

"Why are you so nervous?" I ask him.

Biting his lip he shrugs, I'm not stupid, I know he knows why he's nervous but he obviously doesn't want to tell me.

"Whatever you say" I call out knowingly.

Sighing, he shakes his head and parks the car in the parking lot. I've got to say I've started to like school. Seeing Mr Russle and his husband as well as having Kelly, Tommy, and even Cherry, even though I would never admit it to him, I also like having Axel around. He can be entertaining at times.

"Are you okay?" Tommy asks me once I'm in class.

"I don't even know" I say chuckling.

"How do you not know" He asks.

"Well, I'm not happy but I'm not sad...I don't know how to explain it" A slight frown on my facial features.

"That's normal all of us have those days" He says chuckling.

"James wants to speak to me tonight, he didn't say why and he's all worried" I confide in Cherry. We are in Gym and neither of us have our uniforms.

"I'm sure it's nothing, he's probably just going to do something sweet and romantic" She says smiling.

I look over to Mr Russle to see him watching us cautiously, he knows Cherry was mean to me but what he doesn't know is that she's James' sister. I smile in reassurance, after some hesitation he finally looks away.

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