Chapter 18

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Hey guys, I know this one will seem a little rushed and I'm sorry. Also, so very sorry it has taken me so long to upload. I'm back at school, week three and i already have five assignments and two exams. One of which is tomorrow so wish me luck guys! :D Hope you enjoy! 


I was laying there frozen. What do you do when the man who not only raped you but who is the father of the man you love and who you're naked and in bed with, bursts through the door. I know in normal circumstances it would be bad but there is one more vital part of this situation. This man I love is also, the man who teaches me Music and English.

“You whore!” James' father yells as he glares at me. He looks over at James and growls lowly.

“And you! You go on about how I'm an asshole for beating the shit out of you while you were a child but you're a fucking pedophile!” He yells.

“I'm not a pedophile! Besides you're the one who fucking raped her and a whole heap of other underage girls! She's five years younger then me and I love her! Not to mention today is her birthday meaning she is of legal age!” James yells back.

He picks his boxers up from the floor and shimmies them on underneath the blanket. He kisses my lips softly before hopping out of the bed and covering me up. I watch as my heart beats out of control. James walks up to his father and is clocked in the jaw straight away. I whimper and cringe for him. I watch as James stumbles but gets himself steady again.

“You know what! Fuck you! I've tried to pick up after all your shit and start my own life but you keep coming back and fucking everything up. I will not let you fuck this up for me!” James yells.

He shoves his father so hard into the door that the door breaks off and his father lands on the door. James stands over him.

“You wont get away with this! You're fucking your student!” His father yells.

“I'm not fucking her! I'm in love with her! It's not like I'm just going to use her. I'm plan on marrying her” He yells.

“You wont even be able to contact her once I'm through with you two!” His father growls before getting up, clocking James in the stomach and leaving.

I wrap the sheet around my body and rush over to James.

“I'm sorry” I whisper as I hug his hunched form.

He looks up at me, sighs and kisses my lips softly.

“You have nothing to be sorry about Angel. I'm sorry your birthday ended like this” He says sadly.

“You didn't plan for this so don't apologise” I say softly.

He looks up at me and kisses my lips, it started off soft but turned passionate quickly.

“I'm sorry because it's your eighteenth, it's the first time you have celebrated your birthday and the first time we have been so intimate. Tonight was suppose to be filled with happy memories, not filled with worry because we don't know what my so called father will do with knowing about our relationship” He sighs.

“As long as we stick together, we can get through it” I say seriously.

I blush as he smirks at me, an eyebrow cocked.

“Aren't I the one who says those types of things?” He asks amused.

I blush again and smile. I kiss his cheek.

“Maybe your traits are rubbing off on me” I giggle.

He smiles and picks me up onto his lap before getting up himself. He walks to the bed and sets me down softly.

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