Chapter 6

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Ann-Ray's P.O.V

It looked so painful, the cut on his wrist. I wanted nothing more then to ask him how he could be so stupid as to do that to himself. If he went any deeper then he had, he would have cut open his vain and bled to death. The mere thought of him dying frightens me to no end. Which in itself is unnerving since I've tried to hard not to get attached to him. I was going to speak to him... how could I be so careless?

I shake my head at my brother who had dropped the pan. Such a cluts. I turn around to see a slightly annoyed Mr Roberto watching me. I walk up to him and write on his arm. This makes him sigh, he must have known I was going to talk to him verbally if it weren't for Tom.

Can I still have that shower?

“Of course you can” He says.

Trying to force a smile to make it seem as though isn't annoyed at me. I want nothing more then to make him happy again. After yesterday, I feel like I know him more then I should. I want to run and hide but I know that that would hurt him and I don't want to hurt him. No matter how hard I try to convince myself that it wont be my fault if he's upset, I can't even bare the thought.

This morning when I found him crying, he looked so broken, more so then what I am. Yesterday when I took hold of his arm so he wouldn't run off from the apartment hallway, he looked so frightened by the contact. Just like me.

He kept getting teary over small things as well. He looked broken beyond repair. Yet, the next morning he was back to his normal self, if you put aside the small crying session he had before he saw me at the entrance of his bedroom.

I walk to the connected bathroom he had in his room and slowly stripped off my clothing. Tom had made me bring my uniform yesterday just in case I would have to sleep over. When Tom arrived yesterday father was pissed to no end. But I could see he was slightly happy to see his son once more. We had to run to the car so that father wouldn't stop us. I know I'm in for it when I go back home.

Once finished in the shower, I hopped out and got changed in the bathroom. That was the first hot shower I have had in my life. Father says and I quote 'a slut like you doesn't deserve luxury' unquote. I walk out into Mr Roberto's bedroom.

He wasn't in there. I look around to try and find anything that will give away what his childhood was like. That's when I saw a small photo of a girl around eight and a young Mr Roberto. He had a black eye but was still smiling up at the camera with this young girl.

“That's my sister...if you're wondering” I heard his voice from the door way.

I jumped in fright and gently placed the photo back down.

I'm sorry, I didn't mean to snoop.

He chuckles while shaking his head at me. Soon he's just smiling at me.

“It's not snooping if the photo is out on display Angel” He says kindly.

I blush at the pet name he had used. I am no angel.

Does she live with your parents still?

I watched as his eyes went teary as he tried to answer.

I'm sorry. You don't have to answer. Please don't cry, I hate seeing you cry.

“It's okay. She passed away in a fire. She lived with my dad at the time. I should have taken her with me when I moved out. She'd still be alive if I did I just I-” He stopped talking and tried to calm himself down.

As he closed his eyes droplets of tears fell. I placed my small hand on his cheek and wiped away his tears. I don't know what he is doing to me, but It's frightening.

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