Chapter 1

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Okay, so I don't really beat around the bushes with anything. It get's a bit disturbing in a part. Hopefully you dont mind. 


I guess I should start by introducing myself. Let's see, I'm seventeen...I have dark brown hair that curls...which I hate! I have icy blue eyes, pale skin and average smile, though no one ever see's my smile. I'm not the skinniest in the world but I'm definitely not over weight. I guess over all I'm just average looking. 

"Ann-Ray please report to the office" My counsellor's voice boomed over the intercom.

I unfortunately see the school counsellor. Everyone thinks they can 'cure' me but there is nothing to cure so they're all waisting their time on me. I slowly slide my chair back and walk to the office, I keep my head down on the way. I never look up, I can't look people in the eyes. I get sweaty palms, nausious, uncomfortable and have the urge to cry. 

"Oh! Ann-Ray, you were quick. Come on, let's start our session" He says with a happy smile.

I shiver in disgust. This man is a sick twisted man. He think's because I'm mute that he can take advantage of me. These little 'sessions' do nothing but scar me deeper. I shake my head. I braved a glance at his face. Bad move, they held pure anger. 

"You have no choice" He whispered harshly.

I shake my head with tears forming. I heard him growl lowly, low enough for only me to hear. 

"Is everything okay?" I heard a masculan voice ask from my right.

I stiffen. I don't know that voice, why is he here? Does he want to take advantage of me too? Oh god please no! I shake my head vehemently. I felt someone put their hand on my shoulder. I squealed and sobbed to myself quietly while moving away from the person's touch. 

"Young lady, are you okay?" He asked concerned. 

"She's fine!" Mr Lucas yelled.

I flinched and whimpered at his booming voice. 

"I didn't ask you" The other man snarled back, but in a quieter voice. 

I took this time to grab my note pad and pen, scribbling some words down. 

Please don't make me go with him. He scares me 

I nudge the man quickly, I hate physical contact. I show him the note, I took the time he was using reading my note. To view him over. He had olive skin, medium build, probably 6".

He had black hair that was a little messy. You could see where he had ran his hands through his hair. He was wearing dark blue jeans, a light blue top and a navy blue vest buttoned up. 

"I wont make you go with him...who is he?" He asked in a whisper.

While Mr Lucas became unpatient. 


That was the only word I scribbled down. 

"I suggest you leave before I report you for inappropriate behaviour toward a minor" He snarls at Mr Lucas.

Mr Lucas shoots me a glare before stalking away angrily. I look up at the man with thankful eyes and nod my head once in appreciation. 

"What's your name?" He asked before I could leave.

I took my note book gently from him and scribbled down some words. 

It doesn't matter, I'm no one important 

In Love With Mr SuicidalWhere stories live. Discover now