Chapter 2

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Pic of Mr James Roberto (James franco)


Mr Roberto's P.O.V

Why is she not letting me in? I've been where she is. I just want to make sure she is okay. She's always so defensive. As her teacher I have a duty of care. I need to make sure she is okay. I can't if she doesn't let me in at all.

I walk to the staffroom, coming back from a long exhausting lecture with a boy about how throwing full water bottles at people can be dangerous. Needless to say, he didn't understand why, so I gave him two detentions starting tomorrow. Goody me, I get to stay back even longer.

As I walk I hear a scream from the counsellor's office. I had an unnerving feeling. I went up to the door but it was locked. I peeped through the key whole. I know, I know very stereo typical. I could see a young girl with the counsellor on top of her. I quickly ran to the office. Storming into a meeting taking place.

“The counsellor is in his office on top of one of his students. The door is locked and she's screaming blue murder” I say puffed out.

Both Uncle Fredrick and my cousin Desiree were up from their seats. We all ran to the door. I heard a whimper. I could tell who it was from her whimper. I've heard that whimper already too many times. I quickly took the key from Fredrick and opened the door.

I couldn't bare the site in front of me. She's a young girl! She's only seventeen! He's thirty-four! I glared at him. How can he try to rape her? I know he was planning that since he has his member hanging out from his fly hole. My heart ached for this young lady who whimpered and sobbed. Still under his body. Her hands bound together by his belt.

“What on god's name are you doing Lucas?” Fredrick asks sternly.

I glare at Mr Lucas as all colour fades from his face. Serves him right the pervert.

“She asked me too!” He yells as he puts his member back in his pants.

Does he think we are blind, stupid and deaf?! Because that's what you'd have to be to not know she didn't want this!

“Like hell she did! This morning she wanted me to get you away from her!” I raged.

Barely being able to hold myself back from snapping his pathetic neck.

I heard a small whimper leave the lips that belonged to Ann-Ray. What a beautiful name she had. She seemed to be fearful.

“Let her go now” Fredrick says.

Struggling just as much as I was in the matter.

I watch as Lucas gets off her slowly. Moving away from the couch as well. I watched as Ann-ray shot up. Extremely aware of her surroundings. He hadn't had time to undress her. If she were the slightest bit undressed I wouldn't be able to hold myself back from beating him black and blue.

She started to try and get her hands free. Though the belt was too tight. The harder she tried, the worse she seemed. I sighed. Such a sad sight in front of me. On my first day of work too. I walk up to her and place my hands on her cold fragile ones.

I watch as the fear appears on her delicate features. She was about to scream in fright but her scream got caught in the back of her throat and came out as a squeak. I watched as her breath increased in speed and depth. I started to undo the belt. Her hands so cold and shaky. I watched her face as droplets of her sorrowful tears fell down her cheeks as she whimpered.

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