Chapter 27

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"Come on Angel please? I told you I wanted to take you to the beach, and that was last week. You've got a beautiful body, there's no reason for you to be so insecure" James pleads as he holds onto my waist.

"James, I'll go with you to the beach but I'm not wearing that bikini" I say seriously.

"Baby please?"

"James, I still cover up when I'm walking to the bathroom after a night of intimacy with you and you're my fiancé" I point out. Sighing he nods my head.

"Okay, would you feel comfortable in wearing the bikini top and I'll buy you a pair of swimmer shorts?"he asks.

It's not my ideal compromise, but it's a compromise nonetheless. I nod my head, earning a grin and a kiss on the neck from James.

"I love you Angel" He murmurs.

"I love you too" Smiling I turn and kiss his lips softly.

"Come on, we have to get some breakfast then I'll take you to the shops" I bite my lip softly and nod my head.

He looks over at my with a slight frown as he sees my nervousness. I've been trying to avoid going public with our relationship because I know we'll be the talk of the town.

"What's wrong?" His voice soft and laced with concerned.

"I'm afraid. I don't like being the centre of attention and I know I will be when we go public" I mumble.

Wrapping his arms securely around me he sighs, picking me up off the bed and into his arms as he sits down on the edge of the bed.

"Honey, just ignore them. I love you and you love me...thats all that matters and like Kyle said, they all knew something was going on between us anyway" he reminds me.

I blush and nod my head. Hopping off the bed I grab his white blouse and place it over my underwear. Taking his hand in mine I lead him to the kitchen.

"Maybe we should make a day of it? Have a picnic and go out for dinner?" I ask.

"Sounds great. Did you want to go to my restaurant or somewhere else?" He asks.

"Go have a shower Angel and I'll get everything ready" I smile and kiss his cheek. As I walk away he taps my arse.

On my way to our room I see Casper and Cosmo cuddled up together. Giving them a pay I continue back go the shower.

The hot water running down my skin, relaxing my muscles and taking me into my own little world.

"Ann-Ray did you want to drive?" James asks as we reach the parking lot.

"Yeah that'd be great" I say grinning.

James chuckles and kisses my forehead as he gets into the passenger side. I hop in and start the car.

"So tomorrow, we'll get all of out stuff into the new house Angel, I mean everything is boxed up. So all we have to do is move in" James says with a small smile.

"You ramble a lot" he gives my a small frown.

"But it's cute" I continues. He blushes and laughs softly.

We arrive at the shopping centre and I park the car near the entrance of the shops. We walk in and immediately my hand is taken by James'. He squeezes my hand reassuringly as people watch and stare.

"It's okay Angel. Let them stare. I love you" I smile and blush as he kisses my cheek.

We go into surf dive and ski to buy the swimmer shorts for me and left soon after.

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