Chapter 21

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Hey guys and girls...mainly girls because I know mostly girls read this book...haha I know I've been a slacker and haven't uploaded on this in a while but here it is people! Chapter 21 is here!!! :3 :D enjoy! 


Ann-Ray's P.O.V

I slowly wake up with James' arms still wrapped around me. I smile up at him and kiss his cheek. He wraps his arms tighter around me. I giggle softly and rest my hands on his chest comfortably. Slowly he wakes up as I softly rub his chest with my hands.

“Morning gorgeous” He says smiling.

I smile back as he kisses my lips softly. I giggle as his light stubble tickles my face.

“You need to shave” I say smiling.

He moves his hand over his face, feeling his stubble.

“I think it makes me look a little bit sexy don't you reckon?” He asks smirking. I roll my eyes.

“If you say so, I think it just makes you look old” I say.

He fakes shock and rolls up on top of me. I laugh as he tickles me.

“James!” I squeal with laughter.

Soon the door is opened and in walks my father looking worried. When he sees James tickling me and me laughing he relaxes. James stops and kisses my nose.

“Morning John” James says smiling as he hops off the bed.

“Shouldn't you be resting?” Father asks James. James shrugs while smiling.

“Why would I want to rest when I've just gotten my beautiful Angel back?” He asks.

James looks over at me and winks. I blush and smile.

“You're so cheesy” Father laughs.

“Maybe, just means I taste good” James says chuckling to himself. I blush as dad rolls his eyes.

“That's something I didn't need to know! I hope you haven't slept with my daughter. You should wait until marriage” Father argues, half jokingly.

I blush once more as James looks over at me. His cute little smile. Even if it's his cheeky smile.

“Of course I haven't John” James lies through his teeth.

Father looks over at me for assurance. I blush and look down at my shoes. I've never been a good lier.

“Sure you haven't” Father mutters under his breath. I laugh silently to myself.

“Daddy can you get some breakfast for me?” I ask sweetly.

“I will but first I need a talk with you missy” He says with a disapproving look. I sigh.

“I'll go get us breakfast in stead Angel” James says as he walks to me and kisses my lips softly.

Once James leaves, father walks to me and sits on my hospital bed with me. Sighing he looks at me.

“Why?” He asks.

I look down at my hands. How can I tell my father that the reason why I tried to kill myself is because James' father told me James was dead after kidnapping me because he saw me and James in bed together.

“Bryce told me James died” I say softly.

“Baby, who was working with Bryce?” Father asks.

“Mr Lucas. He was my school counsellor. James saved me from Mr Lucas when he tried to rape me” I say softly.

“I'm so sorry sweetie. It's all my fault” Father says as he wraps an arm around me.

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