Chapter 11

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Hey guys, I'm very happy and touched that you guys keep voting and commenting. Means a lot to me. 


James Roberto's P.O.V

She wont ever let me in. I know that much now. I mean, I know she has feelings for me but she's trying to block them out. I can't help but having feelings for me that horrible for her? I know she says she doesn't want to hurt me but she already is. I drive home slowly, afraid that my thoughts would result in me crashing.

Once in the Apartment block car park. I turned off my engine, grabbed my bag in the passenger seat and got out of my car. I locked my car and went to turn. As I turned I got a fist to the face. I groaned in pain. I looked up to see my father. I growl.

“What are you doing here?” I snarl.

“I thought I'd pay a visit to my favourite son” He says.

I snort at him and shake my head.

“I'm your only son” I state.

He chuckles and shake his head.

“On the contrary. I have a lot of bastard children” He says.

I punch him in the stomach. I knew he was unfaithful but I never knew he had other children. He was about to say something when his phone rang. He held up his finger as if to say 'hold on'. I rolled my eyes and sighed while he answered his phone.

“Hey sweetie” He says down the phone.

“Hold on Cherry...What's wrong?” He asks.

I was surprised to see the concern in his eyes as he talked to whoever it was on the other line.

“Was that one of your bastard children?” I ask once he's off.

“She's nota bastard child since I've married her mother” He says.

“What do you want?” I ask annoyed.

“I want a lot of things. For instance that sweet little girl you've been hanging around. What's her name again? I didn't catch it when I was fucking her” He says.

I look at him with a hard glare. What's he going on about. The only thing he did was kiss her and rip at her hair. He smirked while going wide eyed.

“She didn't tell you did she? Her mother suggested I try her out. Of course for a fee” He says.

I felt like being sick. No wonder she wants to keep her distance! She's been treated so poorly by men her whole life. I punch him so hard his nose breaks. I grab onto his top, pulling his face close to mine. I had a hard, cold stare as I spoke with my teeth gritted.

“You stay away from her or so help me god I will find you and I will kill you” I growl.

He just laughed in my face. I punched him once more, making him fall onto the floor. I walked away and up to the apartment. I unlocked the door to find Kelly and Tom making out on my couch. I sigh and close my eyes.

“Way to rub it in guys” I say while walking to my room.

I sighed and closed my door while stripping off my top and walking to the bathroom to see what damage that prick has done. Hell, he's given me a busted lip and a black eye. This will be fun to explain at school. I get out the alcohol wipes I winced a couple times. Soon Kelly walked in.

“Hey are you- Oh my god what happened?” She asks as she rushes to me.

“I was hit in the face when I got out of my car” I say vaguely.

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