Chapter 4

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 “I've missed you” I whisper before hugging him.

I felt him sob as I did the same. I still didn't like contact but it wasn't as bad with him as it is with everyone else.

“When James mentioned you, I had to stop myself from crying” He whispers. James? Who's James?

“Who's James” I ask in a whisper.

“James Roberto” He says.

I stiffen. Of all the people with the first name James in this school, it had to by my teacher, Simon is Mr Roberto's flat mate.

“Oh” I say quietly.

Simon pulls back worriedly. Looking in my eyes. I look down at the floor.

“What's wrong?” He asks.

“Mr Roberto wont leave me alone” I whisper.

“What do you mean?” He asks.

I grab my pen and paper. To write my response.

He's trying to get me to open up. I can't Simon. You snuck your way through, then left when Tommy left. I can't and wont let him in, but he wont stop trying.

Simon sighs. He hates it when I write a response. It makes him feel like I'm shutting him out again. As he read this he seemed to have a look of guilt.

“I'm sorry Ann-ray. Your father threatened me. He thought I was going to try and take advantage of you. I would never do that to you though” He whispers.

I get teary. Father didn't care about Simon taking advantage of me, he just didn't want the chance of me saying anything to Simon.

“I need to go” I whisper before running off so no one could talk to me.

I haven't spoken in so long, I don't even recognise my own voice. It seems so different. Like it's someone else speaking for me. I quickly walk into a cubical in the girls toilets. Waiting for the rest of the day to pass me by. Once the end of the day bell went, I waited twenty minutes before walking out. Just my luck, when I walk out.

I see Mr Roberto standing outside his room, talking to a boy who had had detention. He see's me and goes to say something but I run out of the school before he could. Doesn't he realise I can't have him in my life!? I soon start jogging in a steady beat. My destination is to get to my brother.

I walked to the front desk. She smiles at me. I've been here before.

“He's in the meeting room” She says. I shake my head.

I'm taking him home I write.

“You can't. You're not eighteen yet” She says sadly.

“But I am” Someone from behind me says.

I look to see Simon. I go wide eyed.

“Who are you?” She asks.

“I'm family. Now release him or I'll take this whole place to court” He says.

She nods her head and calls for my brother Tommy. Soon, I see Tommy walking to us. He seemed to have put on muscle. Knowing him he would have been working out to pass these years locked up. He see's me and stops before going teary. I run to him and hug him. He hugs me back.

“I'm sorry Tommy. I tried so many times to get you out! They wouldn't let me. They said I couldn't get you out because I'm not eighteen yet” I whisper in a sob.

He rubs my back soothingly.

“It's okay kiddo. I know you tried” He whispered.

His voice deeper then I remember, he's taller too.

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