Chapter 15.

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  • Dedicated to Caladan Farina

Just to let everyone know I have actually planned the book out and if everything goes accordingly then I should have 36 chapters plus an intro to the sequeal. 


The rest of the night was spent with us laughing, me squealing, us cuddling and watching movies. The next morning I woke up in bed with no Mr Roberto next to me. I hop up out of bed and walk to the kitchen.

I smile as I can smell pancakes. I walk behind Mr Roberto and wrap my arms around him, leaning me head on his back. He turns quickly and hugs me. I don't want him to let go, he's too warm and comfortable to lean on.

“You still tired Angel?” Mr Roberto asks in a whisper.

I nod my head. He chuckles slightly before planting a soft kiss on my head. I pull my head up from his shoulder and smile up at him. Mr Roberto smiles back before leaning in slowly so our lips would meet.

The kiss soft and gentle, not the intimate tongue kiss we share but a close mouthed sweet kiss. Once we pull away he picks me up and places me on the bench top. I squeal and laugh a little as he does this. Mr Roberto just winks at me before going back to the stove.

“Smells fantastic” I comment.

“Let's just hope it tastes good too” He says.

I roll my eyes while smiling at him.

“You're the owner of a restaurant. My guess is that you can cook” I say.

He chuckles a little before kissing my forehead.

“Do you know what time Alexis and Kelly will arrive to pick you up?” He asks. I shrug.

“Around noon-ish I think. They want me to try the dress on. Plus they need help setting up for the Hens night” I say. He nods his head.

“What about you? When is Tommy and Simon dragging you away from me?” I ask curiously.

Mr Roberto chuckles at my choice of words before answering.

“I think two” He answers shortly.

“They still don't know we're a couple” I point out. He smiles.

“We can tell them when they arrive. Hopefully Tomas wont freak out and have at it with me” Mr Roberto says. I giggle.

“Mr Roberto I-” I start but he interrupts me.

“Sweetie, I think we're going to have trouble with getting you use to calling me James” He says.

He walks between my legs and taking hold of my hips. I blush.

“Sorry” I say. He chuckles and kisses my lips softly.

“No need for sorry. You're adorable Angel” He whispers in adoration. I blush.

“Do I have to go to the Hens night?” I ask with a pout. He chuckles and kisses my cheek.

“You don't have anything to worry about. Just please, don't go getting drunk” He begs. I smile.

“I wont” I promise.

We ate breakfast together. I helped Mr Roberto wash up which ended in a bubble fight. We ended up on the floor with Mr Roberto under my body. He just smiled up at me while holding my hips softly.

“I love you Angel” He says smiling. I smile back and wrap my arms around his neck while he leans forward connecting our lips.

“Come on, grab the plates out for me?” He asks. I smile and nod before grabbing the plates and hopping onto the bench.

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