Chapter 16

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Ann-Ray's P.O.V

I woke up with my cute Mr Roberto next to me. I smile as he groans and wraps his arms around me. I've been trying to wake him up but all he does is groan and pull me closer to him. At one point he even put his finger to my lips to shush me.

“Come on, you need to get up” I say again while smiling.

“No” He grumbles stubbornly.

Since we had Tuesday off as well as Monday, we stayed up quite late. Today is Wednesday though so we have school and he has to meet Tyrone and Cherry at the cafe down the road from the school. I run my hand through his hair.

“You need to get up” I whisper.

“Why?” He groans.

“Because you have work, I have school and you need to be at the cafe before school starts” I say softly.

He sighs before opening his eyes and kissing my cheek.

“I'll go get a shower then” He mumbles.

I giggle slightly which causes him to smile. I quickly get changed while he's in the shower. Walking to the kitchen I pick up a few dirty dishes here and there before putting them in the dishwasher. I smile and start cooking. I'm a good cook, nothing fantastic though, not like Mr Roberto.

I felt someone wrap their arms around me. I turn my head slightly to see Mr Roberto. He smiles at me before kissing my cheek and nuzzling his head into the crook of my neck. I smile while flipping the Omlet.

“Smells beautiful” He murmurs. I smile once more.

“Thanks. My Nan taught me how to make it, mine aren't anywhere near as good as what hers were” I admit.

“I'm sure they'll taste amazing Angel” He whispers before kissing my cheek.

I bite my lip as a way to suppress my moan as he continues to kiss my neck and shoulder.

“Siete così bello” I hear him whisper.

I smile, I haven't heard his italian accent in a while. Rosa warned me that when he's half asleep he tends to talk in italian. I've been learning it in my own time and I know what he had just said. 'You're so beautiful'.

“Ti amo” I whisper back.

Smiling as he stops kissing my neck and kisses my cheek instead.

“Così sexy quando parlate italiano” He whispers huskily in my ear.

'So sexy when you speak italian'. I blush. I serve our breakfast before cleaning up the lounge room a little.

“State venendo al caffè con me angelo?” He mumbles once I'm in the kitchen.

I nod my head while smiling. He had just asked if I would go with him to the cafe. I can understand more italian then I can speak it.

“Acceso” I say. 'come on'.

We walk together to the front door and to the car. I was going to make him a coffee to waken him up but chose against it. I also insisted on me driving since I'm on my L's now. He fell asleep again in the car.

“James” I whisper.

“Hm?” He says as he wakes up.

“Dove siamo?” He mumbles.

“Cafe” I say.

He nods and we both hop out.

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