Chapter 19

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  • Dedicated to Callie Panda

Okay, so I know I may get a bit of hate for this one but I hope you all still like it non the less. This is dedicated to Callie Panda :) 


Ann-Ray's P.O.V

“W-What d-do you w-want?” I stutter.

Tears threatening to spill. He sighs, his breath caressing the skin on my neck. I shiver in disgust.

“I want a lot of things. But right now, I want you” He whispers into my ear. I whimper.

“P-Please Don't” I whisper.

“It's nice to finally hear your voice Ann-Ray” He murmurs.

He slides his hands to either side of my hips. My heart beats so heavily as my mind goes into panic mode.

“Mr Lucas P-Please d-don't” I beg.

He chuckles a menacing, deep chuckle before kissing my neck.

“Don't worry baby. I wont have my way with you yet. Bryce wants to be the first to hear you whimper and scream” He murmurs.

I know my face paled. These two sadistic men are working together. Tears slowly fall down my cheeks.

“Come on then pumpkin. We don't have much time” He whispers.

I go stiff and not move. He squeezes my sides making me gasp in pain.

“I said, let's go” He growls.

When I still didn't move he sighed in frustration then pulls my up off the chair I was seated on and pushes me out the open window in the class to the abandoned part of the school. I can't help the aching in my heart. Knowing James wont know where I am.

I walk unwillingly with his hand on my back all the way to his car. Once inside he quickly gets in before locking the doors and starting the car. I whimper as I watch the school disappear out of my vision. I feel like I wont be seeing that place for a long time.

“Don't look so upset baby. You'll enjoy every bit of the time we spend together” He says.

I feel like I'm going to be sick if this guy doesn't quit saying things like that.

“Bryce! We have company!” Mr Lucas yells as we walk into the abandoned factory.

“About fucking time” Bryce mutters.

“Hello whore” He greets while smirking.

I whimper and look away from his gaze. He roughly takes hold of my face and makes me glance up at him. I close my eyes as tears cascade down my cheeks.

“Why are you crying?” He asks like as if he doesn't know the answer to his own question.

I just whimper and try to pull away from his grip.

“No you don't” He says as he pulls me to him. My body pressed against his.

James' P.O.V

I walk to my English class and settle down the year twelve students. Scanning the room, I quickly realise one person is missing. That one person being Ann-Ray. I look over at Tomas.

“Tom, where's your sister?” I ask.

“I don't know. I saw her this morning before homeroom” He says.

I sigh, I hope she's not mad at me and has decided to jig. I mean, we haven't fought at all since we've been going out. Unless you count fighting over what movie to watch. I continue on with my lesson as planned. Waiting, hoping she'd appear at the door way. She never did.

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