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James and I have been trying to have children for for years now and we are still yet to reach passed the four month mark. We've had three miscarriages and it physically and mentally hurts each time.

Waking up I groan and walk to the calendar. I'm pregnant again but I haven't told James even because I don't want to give him false hope. With groggy eyes I look at the date. My eyes widen and I squeal. Running the short distance back to the bed I crawl I too of James.

"Good morning Angel, why so excited?" A small smile resting on his tired features.

"James, we finally did it" he gives me a confused stare.

"Finally did what?" I grin and kiss his lips roughly.

"I'm pregnant James, five months pregnant as of today to be exact" His eyes widen and lifts the jumper of his I am wearing to see my baby bump.

"So that's why you've been wearing my clothes, because it covers up the bump" I nod my head grinning.

"We finally got passed the four month marker James. We can finally start telling people that we're going to have a baby" The amazing sparkle in his eyes lighting up like every time I tell him I'm pregnant.

Spinning us around so I'm below him he kisses me softly while one hand supports his weight, the other rubs my stomach softly.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?" I sigh and rest his forehead onto mine.

"I didn't want to give you false hope. I wanted to wait until I got to five months and then tell you" He smiles softly and moves some hair from my face.

"You're too kind Angel, I love you so much and our unborn child" I smile and kiss him a little more passionately.


"James!" I call for him through the phone.

He's at work, we had both finished university last year. Both of us have a high school and primary school teachers degree, we work at the same school I went to as a teen.

"What's wrong Angel? Are you okay?" his voice on high alert.

"James either you get home within the next two minutes or I will be driving myself to the hospital in labor" I could hear him mutter 'shit' as he looked around for his keys.

"I'm coming angel. Don't get behind the wheel, just wait for me" I laugh softly.

"Tell that to our children James because they want out and they want out now" We had discovered I was to give birth to twins, a girl and a boy after having our first ultra sound.

After saying he's on his way he hung up and I say impatiently on the lounge, trying not to scream every time I had a contraction. Within two minutes like promised, James was coming through the front door.

Picking my pregnant form up, he carries me to his car and buckles me in, speeding off to the hospital. Three torturous hours and our son is born, another two hours and our little girl is born.

James has our first born in his arms, they have their fathers features and it's too early to say whose eyes they will inherit. Is love for them to have James' green eyes.

After weighing and wrapping my second born up, the doctor passes him to me. Her small eyes are shut as her tiny fingers wrap around my pinky, both boys are quiet and resting. I kiss my little girl on the forehead.

"I think this little guy wants a snuggle with his mummy as well" James murmurs. Looking to him, he passes me our son.

Two healthy, happy, adorable and sleepy little baby's.

"Any names?" I ask James.

"If you don't mind Angel, I'd like for one of them to be named after axel" I smile up at James and motion for him to lean over. As he does, I kiss his lips softly.

"I have no problems with that at all honey" He grins and kisses my lips once more.

"Axel James Roberto" I say looking down at my first born son.

"What about for our little girl? any names Angel?" I smile up at him.

"I was thinking Quinn Cherry Roberto" I watch as his eyes go teary and a small smile places itself onto his handsome features.

"You are an amazing woman. I love you so much Angel. You don't know how much it means to me that you want to name our daughter after my sisters" I smile and caress his cheek softly.

"I love you too James and I think every name needs a meaning or a story behind it. I know how much you miss Quinn and I know how protective you are over Cherry and how protective you will be of our little girl. I'd do anything for you James" He kisses my forehead and lays down on the hospital bed with me.

"There's a bunch of people waiting outside, they all say they're family" The doctor says.

Laughing James asks for the doctor to send them in and soon enough dad, Rosa, Peter, Natalie, their four and a half year old Austin and their two year old Kyle, Tommy, Kelly and their three year old Lilly, Simon, Alexis and their three year olds Jason and Peter, Tyrone and his girlfriend Layla, Kyle and his fiancé Jenny, Axel and his five year old Matthew as well as his new fiancé Kimberly and Cherry with her husband and their one year old boy James as well as Dominick, Michael and their adopted kid Tyler.

"Look at them!" Tyrone gushes. I laugh softly as does James.

"Can I hold her?" Cherry asks.

I pass my little girl to Cherry, I could see the adoration in her eyes as she held her niece.

"Have you named them?" James nods his head at Axels question whilst Axel snuggles my new born son.

"The little boy you're holding is Axel James Roberto" I watch as Axel tears up slightly, walking to James, he hugs his little brother.

"And that little girl you're holding Cherry is Quinn Cherry Roberto" I watch as Rosa's eyes water as well as Cherry's.

"Thank you for calling your daughter after the one I lost" Rosa says softly as she hugs me.

"I would have loved to meet her" I murmur.

"She would have adored you" I blush and thank her as everyone but Cherry her husband and one year old as well as Axel, his five year old and Kimberly.

"We were wondering if you'd like to be the god parents of Quinn" I address Cherry and her husband.

"I would love to" She walks to me and hugs me before giving my little girl back to me.

I look over to James in time to see Axel hug James. I guess he already asked them to be the god parents of our little boy.

Soon enough everyone had to leave but James. I am to be discharged tomorrow afternoon with my little babies. At the moment their in the small hospital cots at the end of my bed. I've always had a fear of the nurses getting my babies mixed up with someone else's so I demanded that they stay at the end of my bed and with James and his connections and multi-million dollar status, we got what we wanted.

"We make really cute babies, don't you think" I laugh softly at James' statement and snuggle into his chest. He's staying the night with me and our children.

"Yes James we do" He smiles lovingly at me and pecks my lips softly.

"I love you Angel" snuggling into his chest with my eyes closed I smile.

"I love you too James"

Slowly I will myself to sleep. Knowing my two new norms are right where I can see them and that James is by my side.

and I hope you all enjoy the book to follow about their Son which is called 'Let Me Love You' it's a Student/Teacher as well but it's BoyxBoy. So if you wanna see how James and Ann-Ray react to their son being gay and then how they react to his infatuation for a teacher and if you want to see where Ann-Ray and James are, what they are doing and if they have any more kids than please check out this book. I should have the first chapter uploaded by this afternoon afternoon, Thank you and enjoy.

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