Chapter 3

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Hey guys! Sorry it's taken so long. I've been off the internet for the last three or two days haha. 


Ann-Ray's P.O.V

“Why did he drive you home? Did you seriously ask your teacher to drive you home? You're such a fat slut!” Father growls.

I whimpered as he took hold of my arm. Throwing me to the ground.

“Don't cry you ugly bitch! You deserve all of this! You should be in jail!” He yells.

Why should I be in jail? I didn't do anything but be born!

“Get your ass up!” He yells.

I go to stand up but he pushes me back down.

“You lazy bitch! Stand up!” He yells.

Kicking me once in the chest, winding me. I heave and gasp for air.

“Ugly whore!” He spat before kicking my stomach.

I wheeze. I watch as he walks away then quickly make an escape to my room. My room, isn't really a room, it's an old mattered, tattered mattress on the floor. I have no covers, just a grey old sheet to lay on. I use my school bag as a pillow and jackets to cover myself with at night. I have no draws, no desk. Just clothes folded in piles on the floor and my bed to do homework and sleep on.

I lay down after getting changed. I take the book we had to read, out and started to read. I had read this before. It's Heidi. A book about a young girl who has no parents and lives with her aunty. Her aunty took her to her grandfathers to live in the mountains, she loved it up there. She thought it to be the best place in the world. She loved her grandfather.

She was devastated when her aunty came back to take her to live in the city. A place she had long forgotten. She was to live with a rich family with a disabled girl called Clara. They became great friends but Heidi started to get sick from being away from where she belonged. With her grandfather. They took her back and she lived in the mountains happily, like she had always wanted.

Though Mr Roberto told us to only read the first five chapters, I read the whole thing again. I couldn't help it. This book is to captivating. I wrote notes down about the first five chapters. So I didn't write things about the chapters to come. Once done I tried to sleep. My aching body now numb from the pain.

One question kept popping in my head during the night...why? Why does Mr Roberto act like he cares? He's an impossible man.

I woke up from the sun showing through my uncovered window. It's just starting to rise. I get up and have a quick, cold shower before getting dressed. One good thing about not having a mirror is that I don't have to look at the damage father does to me.

I picked up my bag and one of the many coats on my bed. My uniform consists of a black skirt and a white blouse. The school had tried to enforce the whole 'where your blazer' thing but soon everyone started wearing different jumpers, coats and jackets so the school gave up. I walk down quietly. My stomach growling at me. I'm not aloud to eat until father says so. I haven't eaten in four days.

I started my walk to school. On the way I heard a car honk from beside me. I screamed in fright before looking at the car. I was slightly relieved to see it was only Mr Roberto. He smiles as I stop and stops his car.

“Need a lift?” He asks out the window. I shake my head.

“Come on, It'll take you half an hour to walk to school. Let me give you a lift” He pleads.

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